View Full Version : Morning anxiety

20-09-15, 17:59
Iv woke up every morning from march with awful morning anxiety. At the start it was with all the physical symptoms, shaking, palps, thinking I was going to faint...my body was on full alert!
Now I still wake up and my mind is anxious but my body is less so...still get that horrible churning stomach....Im unable to go back to sleep and am up at 8am every morning. My mind is just going crazy, I can't escape it, constant thinking and some times I'm so tired I feel like I'm in a dream state but I can't sleep during the day cos my mind won't let me!
I just want to wake up one morning feeling refreshed and not dreading the day ahead is it too much to ask ...

20-09-15, 20:54
But do you find you feel better as the day goes on?

For me, and I believe a lot of others, mornings are the worst. I've been known to be out walking at 4am on a bad day! I always try to remember that I'll feel better later on.

I never stay in bed, it just feels much worse. I get up and get busy. Try to keep occupied even if it is an effort. Then you somehow get distracted and forget, even if it's just for a while, about the anxiety.

I'm not always like this though and I have long periods where I wake up feeling normal. It'll get better for you too.

Read my coping strategies I put under the success stories section. Why not try to develop some of your own.
It takes some effort but it's worth it.

20-09-15, 23:10
But do you find you feel better as the day goes on?

For me, and I believe a lot of others, mornings are the worst. I've been known to be out walking at 4am on a bad day! I always try to remember that I'll feel better later on.

I never stay in bed, it just feels much worse. I get up and get busy. Try to keep occupied even if it is an effort. Then you somehow get distracted and forget, even if it's just for a while, about the anxiety.

I'm not always like this though and I have long periods where I wake up feeling normal. It'll get better for you too.

Read my coping strategies I put under the success stories section. Why not try to develop some of your own.
It takes some effort but it's worth it.

Great advice .

Sums me up .

As you say it does get better will read your coping strategies thanks

21-09-15, 09:47
But do you find you feel better as the day goes on?

For me, and I believe a lot of others, mornings are the worst. I've been known to be out walking at 4am on a bad day! I always try to remember that I'll feel better later on.

I never stay in bed, it just feels much worse. I get up and get busy. Try to keep occupied even if it is an effort. Then you somehow get distracted and forget, even if it's just for a while, about the anxiety.

I'm not always like this though and I have long periods where I wake up feeling normal. It'll get better for you too.

Read my coping strategies I put under the success stories section. Why not try to develop some of your own.
It takes some effort but it's worth it.

Thank you I shall check it out
Sometimes it gets better during the day but I feel like I'm trying to firce myself to do something to run away from it...but it always catches me up.
I do take my dogs out every morning but its like I'm constantly scanning myself. It seems all mental anxiety now .