View Full Version : Is my BP really low?

11-02-07, 15:31
Sorry to post again, ive not been well all weekend, extremely tired, light headed, I have a cold and headache. I was worrying about brain tumours or some kind of cancer because I feel just soooooo tired and light headed it was worrying me. I went to see my mum today, she has an electronic blood pressure machine, she has to keep an eye on hers so she took mine, she said if I had any kind of brain tumour or bleed my bp would be sky high.

She took it 3 times and I think the 3rd one was 88/73, that is incredibly low isn't it? I think the lowest my bp has ever been is 90/50 in early pregnancy with my son.

I am glad its not high but doesn't low bp mean something bad like cancer? or can your BP be low when you are ill with a virus or something?

Sorry to post again, I feel crap today, I am exhausted and I went to bed at 9pm last night:-( I am thinking about going to the dr tomorrow just for a check up but im abit anxious about what he might think it is.

11-02-07, 16:11
I wouldn't worry too much. I did mine the other day with my mothers moniter and it was 85/63, which i am guessing is pretty low. I have never heard that low BP means you have cancer.

If you are still worried tomorrow, take a trip to the doctors, perhaps they can reassure you.


11-02-07, 16:12
Thanks Sarah,

I will make an appointment and try to get seen tomorrow if im still so dizzy, see how I feel. If im abit better I will just make a routine appointment for as soon as he can see me.

11-02-07, 16:15
Hi Jem,

My BP tends to run on the low side all the time. My all time low though was once 68/58, now the doctors immediately hooked me up to an IV bag that time saying I was dehydrated, they didn't know how I had driven to the doctor's office! Since you have a cold perhaps you haven't been getting enough liquids and you are a bit dehydrated and need to be drinking more and that it why it is a bit on the low side. I would just rest and drink liquids and if you continue to feel ill do go see your doctor. Hoping you feel better soon.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

11-02-07, 16:18

Forgot to say my BP runs in the high 80's over high 60 all the time and I too have never heard it linked over cancer. If you exercise it will also be low. It could be just because you are ill too. But, if it would make you feel better go see your doctor. The dizziness is beause it is low for you probably. I felt dizzy when mine was 68/58 and also had a headache because that was low for me. Sorry forgot to add to the above.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

11-02-07, 16:21
Thanks Bel:-)

I will see how I go, if im still dizzy I will try to go tomorrow if not I will see my GP in the week.

You have reassured me alot, thanks:-) I will drink more;)

11-02-07, 17:45
I also went to the doctors recently and both my pulse rate (@ 50) and my blood pressure were low. I had a blood test which was normal and the doctor said to have BP on the low side is loads better than to have it on the high side.
Also when you have low BP you can get dizzy on standing or making sudden movements which could explain your dizziness.
I had a cold recently and had loads of headaches which made me more light headed than usual. I think it's because of sinus pressure.

Hope you feel better soon, take care,
Jo x.

Don't let the sun go down on your grievances.

11-02-07, 17:46
My teenage daughter spent 2 nights in hospital last week after a virus made her not want to eat or drink properly .
They said that her BP was very low due to de hydration , and promtly got a drip into her . She is home now and drinking plenty .

So Jem you gotta drink or your BP will drop and you can get dizzy .
Drink things like lucozade and other energy drinks as well as plenty of water .
Even if it seems as though you think are drinking too much . Still drink .

11-02-07, 21:14
Thanks so much, ive drunk a pint of orange juice this afternoon and I will have a pint of water before bed. I am not the best of drinkers so its no wonder my bp has been low.

Thanks again.

12-02-07, 15:18
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Drink things like lucozade and other energy drinks as well as plenty of water </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Not a good idea to drink these sorts of things as they are loaded with caffeine which will play havoc with the anxiety and panicky feelings.

Water and Orange juice are fine.

Your BP sounds fine to me and not too low.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

12-02-07, 18:49
Hi Jem!

Some people do naturally have a low BP. It can also cause you to become lightheaded.

I have been feelin' dizzy recently, infact for a total of 4 weeks. I also being a natural worrier of my health have been concerned that i have a tumour! I think because we are dizzy we can automatically assume it is to do with our brain lol. I recenty went to A&E becuase of having this dizzyness and feeling extremely drained!! However, the docs reassured me there was no bleeding or anything serious, infact it was most likely down to an inner ear virus which is affecting my balance.

I am not particualrly feeling wobbly but lightheaded and vacant. I am also feeling drained which is probably down to the constant anxiety!

Just drink lots of fluids and get some rest

Take care x

12-02-07, 20:08
Thank you,

Oh anxiety is nasty, it has made me so dizzy at times and feel sooooo drained. Ive not worried half as much today and the tiredness is lifting.

Thanks again everyone:-)

13-02-07, 17:12
Low BP and drained can mean low iron I believe? That may be why your tired and dizzy! xxxxx Im no GP though xxxxxxxxx

13-02-07, 20:11
Thanks Kimmy,

I have low iron stores (ferritin) im not anaemic but my stores are low. I am on iron and have blood tests every 3 months. My GP said my iron is going up slightly although still on the very low side.

16-02-07, 16:36
Wow!!!! Sounds like thats probably what it is then, very common with low iron levels.
