View Full Version : When Dr. Google only gives you only one possiblity

20-09-15, 19:22
I've been freaking about this brownish line going down my fingernail. Dr. Google gives me almost no other possibility than melanoma. Every search for reassurance just makes it worse.

My derm appointment isn't for another 3 weeks. I don't know if my brain can take it.

20-09-15, 19:29
I've actually seen that on lots of people, especially African Americans?
It could also be something like a splinter or even fungus. It's hard not to think the worst but it's really unlikely.

20-09-15, 19:35
It's not a splinter and I'm caucasian so... I noticed it about a month or so ago and didn't think much of it until one of those dumb social media postings about "warning signs you can't ignore" and the post pic looked like my nail.

All I know is it hasn't changed one way or another since I noticed it.

20-09-15, 21:57
Is it like a splinter haemorrhage?
I get quite a few of those lately, small brown lines running down my nail in a few nails

20-09-15, 22:30
No, like a line that someone painted down from tip to base. I know there's other causes but... damn the what ifs!

20-09-15, 23:21
You do know you have hair follicles under your nails I get them all the time especially when u got hairs in your finger nails and they can start to regrow

20-09-15, 23:47
I hope its just that simple. This panic hits me hard because its visual. It's hard to avoid looking at your hands. I may have to put a band aid over it just to not look at it.

21-09-15, 01:33
How long has the line been there for?

Is it changed or unchanged in that time?

21-09-15, 11:37
A month-ish. Maybe two.

I can't really tell if it's changed, because sometimes it looks like yes. Sometimes no. My eyes playing tricks on me?

It looks different depending on the light.