View Full Version : Empty nest syndrome? Anxiety depression.....

20-09-15, 23:09
Hi my name is Donna I am 45 and have suffered with anxiety and depression since I was 14 it took years to be properly diagnosed and get the right help I've been ok of late it's always there lurking but I'm struggling atm my youngest daughter has left home to go to university to study law in London I'm very proud of her but I've got this awful heavy chest feeling like when my dad died it's crazy x I encouraged her to go but now I'm in this three bed roomed hous both girls opposite ends of the country a husband I can't talk to my parents are both dead and my family have all fallen out I hate my job I feel sick T the thought of going in tomorrow my best friend is off with severe depression my brother is too so I'm scared to burden anyone about my anxiety I really am struggling x sorry to rant on this is the first time I've expressed how I feel x just wondering if anyone else has felt this way x I'm quite annoyed at myself x thanks for listening x Donna x

blue moon
21-09-15, 02:20
Hi Donna:hugs:

Welcome to the forum:D There are a lot of Mothers here like you,I am one of them,I hope you get to meet and become friends with them all

Be kind to Yourself.
Petra x:hugs:

21-09-15, 02:34
Hello Donna. I cried all the way back from taking my daughter to uni. The house seemed so quiet and empty. I tidied her bedroom a dozen times the next few days and cried over her washing and untidiness. I don't think there are many mums out there who don't feel the same.

You can't help your anxiety about your girls, but can you do anything about the job situation? Perhaps look for a new job now you can be more flexible with hours?

Don't be annoyed with yourself. Empty nest syndrome is real and takes some coming to terms with :hugs:

21-09-15, 08:22
Thanks so much ladies your so kind to reply x I'm just about to leave for work and I'm shaking I've got palpitations I feel sick it's crazy tbh I think my depression and anxiety has been creeping up on me for months and this has just tipped me over the edge x the house is so empty this morning x love to you and thanks for showing an interest love Donna x

21-09-15, 08:30
Donna, your feelings are perfectly normal and anxiety and depression will rear their ugly heads at times like these when you are feeling particularly isolated and alone. Another lady-Superworrier-has posted about taking her son to uni in a thread titled "Letting Go" which I think is in the "Virtual Hugs" section of the forum. I think you two may be sharing a lot of emotions and feelings at such a vulnerable point in your lives?

Please keep posting on here? It really does help to write it all down and we will try our best to help and support you xx

21-09-15, 08:31
I have not been through it yet because my daughter is young but whenever I read about it I cry because the thought is horrendous. My best friend who is older than me has been through this and after some time she got so used to it that she now says that when her son comes to stay "he gets in her way" lol. Sending you a hug x

21-09-15, 08:32
Hey my love .
Maybe have a read of my posts about my boy leaving for Uni I posted it under ' letting go ' .
I am heartbroken and I feel like I have lost my reason for waking in a morning .

We hold their hands a little while through this crazy world but we hold their hearts forever ..
I actually do relate to your situation in more ways than one so when I get home from work later I will pm you Hun.

Have a read of my post if you get a moment it will show you we are all in this together .

I can't actually go into his room xxxxx

Here if you need a chat xxx your far from alone

21-09-15, 11:52
Hey - welcome.
My kids are much younger than yours, but I am already feeling ill with worrying about them leaving that it's becoming a problem. I wouldn't know what to do to help you take your mind off it, apart from suggest taking up a new hobby - this is the time of your life that you can focus on what you want to do. Also make plans say for a family reunion holiday or something once a year, and spend your time planning that to keep you focused and to give you something to look forward to.xx

21-09-15, 22:32
Oh wow so much great support from so many lovely people x been signed off work today had full on panic attack at work my boss sent me home and to the doctors x I'm off to bed now I'm drained but will look at all your advice tomorrow x thank you so much x love Donna x

22-09-15, 08:36
I hope you managed to get some restful sleep, Donna? Give yourself some time to readjust mentally and maybe just talk to us here if you want to?