View Full Version : Abdominal Problems - has anyone had similar? Scared it's serious

21-09-15, 10:21
For just over 3 weeks now (will be 4 weeks on Wednesday) I have had;

Upper abdominal cramping (so bad it takes my breath)
Upper and lower abdominal pain
severe bloating / gas
irregular bowl movements (one minute none then the next minute all at once)
pelvic pain (lady pain)
and nausea every single day.
Lost 1 stone since it all started

Some days are better than others but the abdominal discomfort and bloating is there every day.

The only way I can describe the feeling is that sensation when your stomach is empty and it’s about to rumble – the pre-rumble feeling. Well I have that pain constantly without the rumble after it. Like my abdomen is in a knot or something

I’ve been to the walk in doctors twice (3 weeks ago) who have felt my stomach and said it was probably (ha) IBS.

Then I went back to my own doctor who said she thought it was the h pylori bug so I took the truck load of antibiotics (and I don’t know whether it was a placebo or not but I did start to feel mildly better) which I finished last week and since I’ve been eating properly again I’m just back to square one feeling sick and in pain and I just feel like I can’t cope.

I will go back to the doctor this week but I’ve convinced myself I have cancer. Either ovarian or stomach. Swaying more to ovarian at the moment.

But when I say convinced myself I mean I have 100% thought myself into the idea that I have it because of how long it’s been going on for.

I know at this stage now they’ll start to want to do some tests i.e. endoscopy, colonoscopy etc and I’ve never had any procedures like these or been into hospital for anything like that – it’s one of my massive fears and I’m absolutely terrified.

I’ve worked myself up into a right state about it and it’s starting to really affect my work but I know that the abdominal symptoms aren’t in my mind and the symptoms are also making it really difficult to be in work.

2 things happened the week when all this started.

1) I swallowed about a teaspoon full of corsodyl (mouthwash) by accident – so I’m worried I’ve done some damage.
2) I went swimming for the first time In ages – could have swallowed some water and done some damage.

Or it could be none of the above and I have advanced cancer.

I know I have health anxiety, so I always think the worst but because my symptoms have been constant now for so long and I know they are genuine I just can’t help but fear the worst.

I’m stuck in that place of knowing I need to get it checked out but also being terrified of the outcome. :weep:

21-09-15, 10:46
Sounds like IBS cause I suffer with your symptoms

21-09-15, 11:55
Thanks that does make me feel a little less on edge x

21-09-15, 12:00

I agree with WiganLad it does sound like IBS, have you been stressed lately? I find that always makes my IBS worse. If it is getting a problem go and see your GP they can give you things to help with the pain. Also there is some good IBS yoga that always helps me, just go on youtube for that.

Hope the pain gets better in the coming days, stress and the bowels are linked.


21-09-15, 12:12
Nausea is not really typical for IBS.

Bloating and gas can also occur in intestinal parasites, food poisoning or if you take an excessive amount of dietary fiber (apples, pears, oatmeal, beans...)

21-09-15, 16:50
Hi i have had very similar symptoms in the past, i got into a right state and my wife had to drive to A&E where they did a full check up and couldn't find anything wrong, they advised me to book a GP appointment which i did, and he was very good at calming me down and gave me mebevrine and omeprazole, to relax my intestines and to reduce stomach acid, and within a week i was feeling much better...
I am now going for an allergy test this week so i can also find out what may be causing alot of my issues...

If you feel it is serious, WHICH i don't think it is, go and see your doctor to see if he can help you with the symptoms.

Oh by the way i have swallowed mouthwash and it wasn't pleasant, but i got through it....

21-09-15, 23:52
The last few months i've had really bad abdominal pains.. around my pubic bone area, lower back and hips its awful!.. plus lots of gas and constipation!.. in the middle of tests atm!.. always takes so long!..

22-09-15, 04:36
Im new here but im having the same stuff. I do have depression, panic/anxiety and have suffered with ibs and around 3wks ago I got terrible shakes that felt they came from my tummy and have had nausea, soft stools and cramps. Doc said it should go in about 10 days max but it's back again even worse. Im scared it could be the c word too. Im a frantic mess.

22-09-15, 17:13
Me too xtine, I have had it for weeks now, it changes a bit and is sometimes not too bad. When it's ok I think it's probably nothing but when I get the women type pain is a bit scary and I also have frequent loo visits. I've been told it's probably my IBS flaring up, which it probably is but as usual, I have a doubting mind. Have you got HA?

23-09-15, 20:57
Thank you for your responses.

It was comforting to know i'm not the only one going through all of this.

Unfortunately the pain became really really bad yesterday in work and i ended up at the walk-in doctor again in the afternoon.

He listened to my story and my symptoms and after i had finished telling him that this pain and bloating had been going on for 4 weeks he said...............are you stressed at the moment?


i feel like my real symptoms are always masked by my anxiety. They see anxiety on my file and will automatically jump to that conclusion immediately without entertaining any other thing.

He barely touched my stomach, half assed took my blood pressure and temperature...told me he thought it was a combination of reflux and ibs...told me to take gaviscon and i should feel better soon.

Like i hadn't already been taking it or trying to feel better?

I can't get a proper appointment with GP for 2 weeks, the pain and bloating is still there. I don't see how IBS can cause such severe pain. I'm getting more stressed and fed up by the fact that i don't feel i'm being taken seriously at all...


23-09-15, 21:32
Hi, I have IBS as I have started above, I would book the appointment with your GP in two weeks. In the mean time I wouldn't worry to much, IBS is a pain and to me it does sound like IBS.

About IBS and the pain you are having, I myself once had such a bad couple of days with pains I needed to keep stopping what I was doing as it was hurting so much. I once had such a bad pain that I needed to drop to the floor while it was happening. IBS can be really painful sometimes and stress/stressing about it only makes it worse in my experience.


23-09-15, 21:46
I have IBS and have had all those symptoms, sometimes so badly that I ended up crying on the floor of my bathroom. People tend to dismiss IBS as not a big deal, but it can be INCREDIBLY painful, and INCREDIBLY strange.

Stress makes IBS 10x worse, believe me, so it's easy to get into a vicious cycle. Stress can also cause nausea and muscle pain (which causes pelvic pain - believe me, I'm there right now as well).

Try an experiment: every time it hurts, swear at your IBS. Yell about your IBS. Bitch to your friends about your IBS. Tell yourself "I hate having IBS. It hurts a lot." Keep reminding your brain, over and over again, that you have IBS.

23-09-15, 21:54
Are your pains worse at any specific times? Or is it completely random? For example, would they be worse when you're in a social situation or when you're home alone etc.

I assume Gaviscon or Rennies make no difference? Have you tried Bisodol?

I suffered with similar symptoms to you for 3 years between the ages of 16-19. It affected my school attendance. I was diagnosed with IBS but I don't believe it was. I had a barium thing which is where I swallow something then get an xray type scan to check my digestion. I never had a tube down the throat thing. The doctors didn't find anything wrong in 3 years so just put it down to IBS.

Looking back now, I reckon it was anxiety. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for you. I solved my problem by literally ignoring it. My logic was - I'll ignore it and if it gets worse, or I'm actually sick or if I faint or whatever, I can take that physical symptom to the doctor. If I never get that, it can't be that serious. Over time, that message got into my brain and the symptoms reduced. I know that's no comfort. I know you'll hate reading it might be anxiety. I remember clearly thinking it was bowel cancer several times.

As a last point, have you tried giving up any foods? Diary or gluten? Both can cause your symptoms.

24-09-15, 10:00
Hi, I have IBS as I have started above, I would book the appointment with your GP in two weeks. In the mean time I wouldn't worry to much, IBS is a pain and to me it does sound like IBS.

About IBS and the pain you are having, I myself once had such a bad couple of days with pains I needed to keep stopping what I was doing as it was hurting so much. I once had such a bad pain that I needed to drop to the floor while it was happening. IBS can be really painful sometimes and stress/stressing about it only makes it worse in my experience.


I have the appointment booked in so i will go.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Sometimes it's really difficult to put things into perspective as we often think we are the only ones in the world suffering with a particular ailment.

I have IBS and have had all those symptoms, sometimes so badly that I ended up crying on the floor of my bathroom. People tend to dismiss IBS as not a big deal, but it can be INCREDIBLY painful, and INCREDIBLY strange.

Stress makes IBS 10x worse, believe me, so it's easy to get into a vicious cycle. Stress can also cause nausea and muscle pain (which causes pelvic pain - believe me, I'm there right now as well).

Try an experiment: every time it hurts, swear at your IBS. Yell about your IBS. Bitch to your friends about your IBS. Tell yourself "I hate having IBS. It hurts a lot." Keep reminding your brain, over and over again, that you have IBS.

I am trying this tactic i really am. But sometimes it just takes over - especially when i look in the mirror and see my abdomen is distended, it's quite distressing and then i get myself all worked up about it.

But i will persevere with that tactic because i do think you're right, the stress if it is making it worse - whatever it is!

Are your pains worse at any specific times? Or is it completely random? For example, would they be worse when you're in a social situation or when you're home alone etc.

I assume Gaviscon or Rennies make no difference? Have you tried Bisodol?

I suffered with similar symptoms to you for 3 years between the ages of 16-19. It affected my school attendance. I was diagnosed with IBS but I don't believe it was. I had a barium thing which is where I swallow something then get an xray type scan to check my digestion. I never had a tube down the throat thing. The doctors didn't find anything wrong in 3 years so just put it down to IBS.

Looking back now, I reckon it was anxiety. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for you. I solved my problem by literally ignoring it. My logic was - I'll ignore it and if it gets worse, or I'm actually sick or if I faint or whatever, I can take that physical symptom to the doctor. If I never get that, it can't be that serious. Over time, that message got into my brain and the symptoms reduced. I know that's no comfort. I know you'll hate reading it might be anxiety. I remember clearly thinking it was bowel cancer several times.

As a last point, have you tried giving up any foods? Diary or gluten? Both can cause your symptoms.

The pain/bloating/reflux is intermittent. Some days it's predominantly just bloating and abdominal pain throughout the day, then others it's just the horrendous reflux and feeling like the food is still in my throat - like I've got a food bubble in there. I have to be honest and say when i fixate and stress about it, it does feel worse - but i think that's only natural.

I take omeparzole (sp?) for the reflux which used to work amazingly but it's not working now, even though i've upped them to two a day. Gaviscon seems to settle it a little but not much. I've not come across Bisodol - i will have a look!

I do think it's a good tactic, sometimes it's impossible to ignore though, especially when i'm in work. I just sit here and catastrophize and make it all worse! I really have to stop myself from googling though because that doesn't help anything.

I was tested for gluten intolerance at the start of the year and was told my results came back low for that. I have still cut out gluten, diary, spicy and acidic foods to try and improve everything but i'm not sure if it's working or not. I don't smoke or drink so it can't be either of those.

There's not much more i can do until i go for further testing, but it's the anticipation of all of that that's making me more nervous.

24-09-15, 10:30
I had the exact same symptoms you're having a few years back, I cant remember how long it went on for, I'd guess 4 weeks or so, and then it'd flare up every now and then, I'm pleased to say it just went eventually.
The main reason I'm replying though is because I just had to tell my mum the exact same thing; she has been suffering with it for about 5 weeks now, though it's starting to be more on and off and not there 24/7.

I think it's very likely it's a bug and you've got it too, I think you'll be fine and you'll find it becomes less frequent. :)

07-10-15, 10:45
My stomach issues still have not subsided.

It seems to be a lot more reflux/indigestion related now as my symptoms everyday are still bloating (randomly throughout the day - even after water!!)
Burning/gnawing pain in my upper abdomen which can spread under my armpits and round to my back.
Waking up with the sensation of food being stuck in my throat.
Gurgling in my belly.
Feeling sick and no appetite - still losing weight.

I went to my doctors appointment on Friday and completely broke down. I told him about how fed up i was and about my cancer fears and he looked concerned.

I had urgent bloods taken yesterday (which included the ca125 test for ovarian cancer :weep:) and an urgent ultrasound - the appointment has already come through for that and it's on Friday - exactly a week since my appointment.

No one gets an appointment that quickly unless they think it's something serious.

So i am well and truly freaking out now and have completely, 100% convinced myself it's either stomach or ovarian cancer.

I feel like i just can't cope anymore because i know these symptoms aren't in my head and i'm genuinely suffering.

I'm so scared

07-10-15, 10:47
Yup, my doctor says I have IBS and I get those symptoms described. Nausea isn't really typical of IBS but is typical for someone with anxiety such as myself (esp. when stressed as well --> lack of sleep).

07-10-15, 14:21
Andromeda, I think the doctor has sent you to get tests quickly to put your mind at ease rather than because he's sure you have something major wrong with you.

07-10-15, 17:40

I have exactly the same symptoms as you.

I went through an xray, bloodwork, and an ultrasound. My doctor said I have h pylori so I was put on antibiotics for 2 weeks to sort that out.

Like you, I am extremely terrified of having stomach cancer.

I'm curious do you have any of the other symptoms that are associated with stomach cancer? Like blood in stools vomit etc.?

My symptoms are strong in the morning, then subside up until around 10 or so when I usually have my breakfast. I begin to feel hungry and like I could eat, I do eat and feel extremely nauseated afterwards.

They haven't done the endoscopy yet, they said they might do it but want to try me on the antibiotics for 2 weeks.

07-10-15, 21:29
Andromeda, I think the doctor has sent you to get tests quickly to put your mind at ease rather than because he's sure you have something major wrong with you.

I know and that is the rational explanation but I have this genuine belief that I have something properly wrong with me...it doesn't feel like every other episode or fixation of health anxiety. I really feel like this time its real

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------


I have exactly the same symptoms as you.

I went through an xray, bloodwork, and an ultrasound. My doctor said I have h pylori so I was put on antibiotics for 2 weeks to sort that out.

Like you, I am extremely terrified of having stomach cancer.

I'm curious do you have any of the other symptoms that are associated with stomach cancer? Like blood in stools vomit etc.?

My symptoms are strong in the morning, then subside up until around 10 or so when I usually have my breakfast. I begin to feel hungry and like I could eat, I do eat and feel extremely nauseated afterwards.

They haven't done the endoscopy yet, they said they might do it but want to try me on the antibiotics for 2 weeks.

As I mentioned in my initial post I have h pylori too so it's weirdly comforting to know you have the same symptoms.

I don't have bloody stools or vomiting no, just all the other signs.

A work colleague died last year of undiagnosed advanced stomach cancer and he was only 27 so that's been in the back of my mind this whole time and that's what is seriously fuelling my fears because I know it can happen :weep:

07-10-15, 21:40
It can happen hun, but it's extremely rare, especially at that age, think of all of the people you know, has it happened to anyone else, I don't know anyone that's happened too.
Good luck with your test results xxx

07-10-15, 22:03
It can happen hun, but it's extremely rare, especially at that age, think of all of the people you know, has it happened to anyone else, I don't know anyone that's happened too.
Good luck with your test results xxx

I know that it's rare but my symptoms are persistent and have been for 6 weeks now, I've lost a stone and a half, the pain isn't subsiding plus I have the h pylori which they know is a factor in causing stomach cancer. They told him it was rare at his age!

I know that I have health anxiety and that it makes me always fear the worst but it really feels different this time, I can't stop crying because Ive totally convinced myself that cancer is the outcome.

I have never been this bad about anything before. I have daily health worries but nothing to this extent, this has completely consumed me.

I know that there's nothing I can do until I have the scan and worrying won't help but I can't help it. I'm an absolute wreck and I can't think about anything else. It's taken over my life and I just keep bursting into tears at the thought of having to leave everyone behind.
I can't help it though I have tried everything to stay calm and distract myself from the thoughts but it won't go away because I am in so much pain and discomfort.

I tell myself it's anxiety but when I'm walking past the mirror and I can physically see my stomach has distended to about 10 x it's original size it's not something that I can brush off.

And I didnt even make it through typing all this without crying my eyes out I'm so exhausted with it all i regret ever worrying about any of the other things Ive ever worried about because they all just seem so minuscule compared to this.

Thank you for your kind words though I do appreciate it despite the dramatics Xx

07-10-15, 22:08
As I mentioned in my initial post I have h pylori too so it's weirdly comforting to know you have the same symptoms.

I don't have bloody stools or vomiting no, just all the other signs.

A work colleague died last year of undiagnosed advanced stomach cancer and he was only 27 so that's been in the back of my mind this whole time and that's what is seriously fuelling my fears because I know it can happen :weep:

Yeah someone near my age died with it too quite awhile ago. I read that people with a certain gene have an 80% chance to develop stomach cancer within their lifetime. I don't think I have that gene or at least I'm not sure.

I never have the bloody vomit or stools either, mostly just nausea and bloating.

My doctor thinks its an ulcer or possibly just the H pylori getting bad. They checked everything except an endoscopy and can't find a thing wrong. I'm hoping is just dyspepsia or something.

Did you go on treatment for H pylori? Im on antibiotics and omeprazole at the moment, after the treatment I will go in and possibly have the endoscopy if I don't feel better.

I felt okay this morning but kept having nausea after eating.

07-10-15, 22:11
Taken from Web MD;Infection with H. pylori is common. About two-thirds of the world’s population has it in their bodies.
Please try to remember that the issues you have, could be many other different complaints.
The waiting is the hardest part, I really empathise with you.

08-10-15, 00:11
I also read that the chances of getting stomach cancer from h pylori are about 1-2% and youd have to have it for like 15 years, to get within the stomach cancer scare. I know people who probably have had h pylori for many many years that resulted in ulcers and then were treated at like age 40, no stomach cancer, just ulcers.

Have you had any ulcers?

I have none that im currently aware of, I have some abdominal pain but its due to cramping and in my intestinal area.

08-10-15, 08:32
There's a whole host of lesser stuff it could be, anything from a bug that will just pass over time to hernias and ulcers. It is important to not assume it's the worst thing it could be, try and keep your mind off it, I know it's easier said than done!
Hope you feel a bit happier today, try and relax because when you're stressed you're going to get a more upset stomach which will make some of the symptoms you're talking about appear.

21-10-15, 10:46
So it's now been 2 months and i thought i would come back and update.

They swapped my omeparzole to ranitidine which seems to provide a tiny little bit of belief in the hour or so after taking it but does not last through the day so i'm still drinking gaviscon by the gallon.

My bloods all came back normal including the CA125 test for ovarian cancer.

I had an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound which all came back normal. Typical HA me though, had to confirm with the sonographer that the ultrasound wouldn't show any abnormalities with the stomach and she nodded. So i'm back to focusing on that.

Yet i'm still suffering each day with random abdominal pains intermittently, but mainly now just nausea and horrendous reflux.

So they're sending me for the dreaded endoscopy and i can't even begin to express how fully terrified i am.

I know everyone says this but i've never had any invasive tests. So this is a whole new ball game for me and i genuinely don't know how i'm going to do it. But i am fed up now and the stomach cancer fear won't go away so i know i have to have it done!

I'm exhausted with it all!

21-10-15, 11:04
So it's now been 2 months and i thought i would come back and update.

They swapped my omeparzole to ranitidine which seems to provide a tiny little bit of belief in the hour or so after taking it but does not last through the day so i'm still drinking gaviscon by the gallon.

My bloods all came back normal including the CA125 test for ovarian cancer.

I had an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound which all came back normal. Typical HA me though, had to confirm with the sonographer that the ultrasound wouldn't show any abnormalities with the stomach and she nodded. So i'm back to focusing on that.

Yet i'm still suffering each day with random abdominal pains intermittently, but mainly now just nausea and horrendous reflux.

So they're sending me for the dreaded endoscopy and i can't even begin to express how fully terrified i am.

I know everyone says this but i've never had any invasive tests. So this is a whole new ball game for me and i genuinely don't know how i'm going to do it. But i am fed up now and the stomach cancer fear won't go away so i know i have to have it done!

I'm exhausted with it all!

I'm so sorry that you've been suffering with this for so long, I know how it feels. Try and focus on the tests you've had so far that have come back clear, which have emanated certain fears that you had before them.

The things you've been experiencing are the same as I have for a few months now. I had an endoscopy at the beginning of the year, and a colonoscopy last week. I've basically been flossed... LOL and they found nothing. I know it's hard to believe but these things we experienced really can be caused by things that aren't serious. The endoscopy is nothing to fear also, and think of the relief you will feel when it comes back clear :)