View Full Version : Had first talking therapy session today

21-09-15, 11:42
So I had my first session over the phone - not what I wanted but the next session is face-to-face. She just went through how I feel, what symptoms do I have (was mainly on about the mental ones) and then I had to give what a "problem statement"? Then apparently we will have 6-8 sessions of CBT and coping techniques, and then some high intensity sessions of something or other. I forgot what. I cried a lot during the call and felt a bit of a fool. However, now, even though we haven't really done anything other than me tell her how I feel and her to prompt me and ask stuff, I feel a bit better. I just want to stop the intrusive thoughts now and the worry about my health and most importantly my son's health. The panic symptoms have more or less gone - I have the throat sensation and shortness of breath, but I haven't woke up gasping for air or feel as bad as I did when I first posted on here back in July.x
Also, while I'm on, I have been having palpitations. I never knew what these were til I googled it the other day - I always thought they were just missed heartbeats, I did't realise they were also rapid and strong heartbeat. Well, I saw a video on the tinterweb that was this man's heart after drinking 24 cans of energy drink and it was shocking. I don't know if I believe it or not, but it made my heart go all fluttery lol, and that was when I noticed it, and I thought "I get this quite a lot", and then I googled it.

21-09-15, 12:31
Hi I also have my first talking therapy today, I'm expecting a call in half hour, I'm in my car at work on my lunch break! Honestly I don't know what to expect and I'm having a hard time accepting that I need to return to therapy as I did have some 15 years ago but have been able to get better with medication alone since then but now what with a wedding and lots of change coming up in my life I feel I need to learn some coping methods and I'm really hoping this helps.
When is your face to face appointment? I hope it goes well for you xxx

21-09-15, 15:45
You're NO fool Pepperpot! You're lovely. :)

I found the Therapy sessions very beneficial, but be prepared for more blubbling.
They sometime give you coping techniques and some of them work quite well.
At least you are improving, but I don't know how you watch these things on the tinternet, because I have banned myself from Goggling. :D

21-09-15, 16:10
Hi I also have my first talking therapy today, I'm expecting a call in half hour, I'm in my car at work on my lunch break! Honestly I don't know what to expect and I'm having a hard time accepting that I need to return to therapy as I did have some 15 years ago but have been able to get better with medication alone since then but now what with a wedding and lots of change coming up in my life I feel I need to learn some coping methods and I'm really hoping this helps.
When is your face to face appointment? I hope it goes well for you xxx

Thanks - it's on 1st Oct. How did yours go? x

---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:09 ----------

You're NO fool Pepperpot! You're lovely. :)

I found the Therapy sessions very beneficial, but be prepared for more blubbling.
They sometime give you coping techniques and some of them work quite well.
At least you are improving, but I don't know how you watch these things on the tinternet, because I have banned myself from Goggling. :D

You're making me blush :blush:

Hehe. Well I didn't mean to watch it - it just sort of popped up lol x

21-09-15, 16:16
You'll be the same colour as my tomatoes then? :D

21-09-15, 17:25
Congrats on taking your first healing steps!

Positive thoughts

23-09-15, 12:13
Check out the OCD threads, Pepperpot. There are plenty about Pure O which is the intrusive thought side. There will be useful advice in them for you.

The fact many of your symptoms of gone already is a great sign that you are on your way to recovery. :hugs:

One peice of advice I would give is write down the things you want from this. It will help the sessions go smoother so you get more out of them if you can document your thoughts, feelings, emotions, events, triggers, etc. It will help your therapist too. I didn't do this and I know my earlier sessions were held up because my therapist had to do more prompting for them.