View Full Version : Some Feedback on Muscle Tension Please?

21-09-15, 13:22

I posted in the newbie forum earlier, but I'm now after some specific feedback on just one of the paragraphs I wrote:

"The worst sensations are the tense muscles around the should blades in my back that seem to radiate around the front of my chest…..and also the slight pain that comes and goes around the sternum (only that past couple of months ) - sometimes when I stretch I can feel a very mild pop sensation – almost like when you crack your knuckles?! "

The sternum mild pain started about 2-3 months ago. My theory is that it's related to the muscle tension that I'm getting in my upper back, which then radiates up my neck and head. I don't get headaches as such, more a sensation of 'heavy head'.

I also think it could be posture when I'm sleeping? I sleep on either left or right side, mostly left.....but can't sleep on my back as I'll get a thump from t'other half for snoring :D

It doesn't hurt if I deep breath in or out, but if I stretch I can feel it and every so often get the mild 'pop' sensation in my sternum.

When I stop to think about the muscle tension, I'm immediately aware of how tense I am, i.e. tight neck and shoulders, upper back, heavy head.....I've even noticed that I don't relax properly when I 'put' my head on the pillow - because my shoulders are so tense I'm aware that my head is almost 'hovering' above the pillow.....but then I realise and make myself relax.

I've developed tinnitus in both ears also, but I've learnt to combat this at night (as that's when I notice it more, when it's really quite) with music, currently a 10 hour rain/thunderstorm mp3 interspersed with some piano - Ludovico Einaudi currently :D

So, to summarise....is it safe to say it's all anxiety related?



22-09-15, 08:43
The sternum pain is due to posture and specifically sitting with your shoulders forward. I was getting it from sitting on my mobile phone for long periods. Id feel a tightness in my sternum and it would hurt to pull your shoulders back. When i found out what it was i was able to pull my shoulders right back and hear and feel a loud crack which relieved it. Keep your shoulders back.

If your trapezius muscles are tight get a ball (Lacrosse or Yoga ball) stand next to a wall and put the ball between your trapezius muscle and the wall and roll it around and massage it deeply to loosen the tension and tightness. You might need to take hold of your arm and pull it away from the wall to further expose those large back/neck (trapezius) muscles.

Id say its due to posture and tension.

Tinnitus, not sure if thats anxiety. Listen to some white noise when youre trying to sleep (like youre doing). I always go to sleep to a podcast but rainfall etc is great too.