View Full Version : Xanax effect on a root cure for anxiety -kava kava

21-09-15, 14:37
Hello there,i just want to share my own experience using this miraculous root i have suffer anxiety whole my life and have been on different kind of medications and did tray many other natural plants for anxiety.
I started using this root named KAVA KAVA is a plant from the pacific islands
this root was banned in canada and many other countrys supposedly because could have bad effect on the liver but after a lot of research on the plant "ROOT" KAVA KAVA,this root is now available in canada and in usa too,about the effects of this plant is almost like a anxiolytic like xanax the root is
expensive but works you can find it in powder,pills,liquid drops and the ones i use kava phytocaps,cost like $48 canadian dollars for 60 pills,the good thing about this phytocaps is that they come liquid and seems to work much better and faster i don't recommend to buy the ones dry pills or hard pills also some brands the quality is very bad resulting in bad effects of the root or non effect at all waisting your money,,,,so if you decided to give it a tray buy the one in powder or liquid phytocaps is the best,this root makes my anxiety disappear! the root works better taking in it everyday in that way the effect of the kavalactones start to build up in your system making it work much better,i have used kava in liquid drops and phytocaps and i like much better the phytocaps because the bottle bring more quantity than the drops.
you can buy it on the internet ,there are lots of different places to buy,,,the ones i take are KAVA ROOT -LIQUID PHYTOCAPS THE BRAND IS BOTANICA. but like i said there are many other like kava from vanuatu it comes in powder and it is said to be the strongest,so with this thread i only want to share other alternative for coupe with anxiety for all of you that always are looking for something else for stop axiety. This helps a lot with anxiety!! GOOD LUCK.

22-09-15, 08:57
Oh dont get me started. I love trying things like this.

I looked into Kava a while back but from what i read the pills and tinctures didnt work and you had to prepare the root yourself and drink it to feel any effects. That sounded like too much grief so i never tried it in the end.

Interesting you say that the pills worked for you.

22-09-15, 11:11
It's been banned in the UK since 2003 so it can brew seized by Customs.

Legislation covering this product are much more precise than other ones that could be helpful e.g. GABA, DHEA, since they were not banned due to medical reasons but due to knee jerk reactions (athletic scandals for DHEA, links to other date rape drugs for GABA namely GHB) and are readily available for sale in places like the US.

24-09-15, 11:05
I bought some in powdered form from the Internet and it made it throug customs. Not tried It much yet though.

24-09-15, 12:12
I bought some in powdered form from the Internet and it made it throug customs. Not tried It much yet though.

Yeah, there are many things on the banned list that sail through e.g. GABA, DHEA, Melatonin, etc. They are not a priority for them so as long as it's not coming from a country they expect such things from, it will likely sail through.

Just be careful. Make sure you check your med on Drugs.com's interaction checker.

24-09-15, 13:54
Ah didn't realise melatonin was a banned substance. I don't use the kava kava, as I'm scared of anything that could be too potent lol but have heard a lot of good things about it.

25-09-15, 04:06
I think I have seen GABA and DHEA here in the health food stores! About 15 years ago, I was buying melatonin under the counter (health food store), not sure how it came in. My sister used to bring it back for us from the US as well, then suddenly it got approval, and within months you could buy it everywhere! Even the grocery stores have it, in their vitamins aisle in the pharmacy section. ... I find if I take it as long as 2 weeks, then it stops working. I may take one tonight though. I have a new job and was up almost all night last night. My head wouldn't shut off :P It is time to reset my sleep time earlier!

25-09-15, 05:07
Melatonin is a Prescription Only Medicine (POM) in the UK so it would be like trying to buy your Citalopram, Bek, it would require a prescription for a NHS prescriptions service pharmacy or you could use a private prescription to buy it from a pharmacy. Other than that, it is illegal to buy or sell in the UK unless you are one of the other named parties e.g. doctor, manufacturer, pharmacy, vet, etc. Those parties can even buy in from outside the UK legally whereas we can't. There are some grey areas around whether you can buy from abroad with a prescription (e.g. you fax it to them and then they send meds to the UK). Most meds are just covered as POM's but some like Benzo's are internationally recognised as a worldwide abuse problem hence are covered by the UN and any nation signed up has to prevent their distribution in establishing local laws but when it comes to exporting things legal in one country to one where they aren't, nations seem to have a "see no evil, hear no evil" going on e.g. DHEA, GABA, Melatonin can all be purchased legally in the US hence online compnaies who "say" they are UK tend to have an office over here but they distribute from the US so it becomes the purchasers problem with their Customs.

I've seen a statement from the MHRA (UK version of US FDA) stating they are interested in counterfeit or imports beyond personal usage (I think they quoted 3 months) when someone from another forum asked them about importing things like this. That was a few years ago so may have changed but importing these things is often easy as Customs have bigger things to worry about. The FACT they are legal for OTC in a highly developed nation like the US would suggest that they are not a risk. I can tell you now that DHEA was only banned because of the athletic scandals, not because of medical evidence. GABA was banned because of the knee jerk reaction to the date rape culture with GHB as they are similiar and again not out of medical proof. I've imported DHEA after the ban as I didn't know about it many years ago. To be honest, it's not easy for the public to understand these laws as you have to read your way through 3 different legislative acts.

Marie - congratulations on your new job :yesyes: I've seen how they prescribe melatonin overhere for kids in some circumstances. I don't know why it was classified a med for us, probably the companies cashing in by edging out their rivals? I've taken DHEA before (10mg I think daily) and it caused me no problems back when I was on the weights many years ago. It's just our silly government and I remember Tish's specialist recommending it to her so theh must see these things as safe.

blue moon
25-09-15, 05:31
Sorry for replying,I was in Fiji and got a bit tipsy drinking Kava not very nice had hallucinations.I know it has calming effects in tablet form but not when you drink it.
Again apologies.

26-09-15, 10:23
Well, i want to make this topic about kava kava, Not all brands of kava are real kava so that is the first thing to take in consideration ,,the one i take is the brand: "BOTANICA"

The other thing that i want to make clear is the pill i take are LIQUID PILLS not does hard powder pills, i know many of does pills that wont work,,,,,,,,,,,,again the ones i am talking about are PHYTOCAPS-LIQUID PILLS-BOTANICA BRAND,,,,, The other form of kava that i know works is in powder and liquid drops but remember that not all sellers gives you the real kava nor the amount of kavalactones,,,,so i will recommend make a little research first on the qualities and brands.
For the people saying that kava gave them hallucinations,,,well all the the medications in the word has there limits,,,like if you take XANAX for anxiety,you only take the recommended dose by your doctor right! ,,,,,,,,,,,,Because if you take 20 pills i am sure you're going to have hallucinations too..,,lets say if you take 2 cups of wine you can feel a bit relaxed but if you take the whole bottle it will be different story ,,,,,,,
With this post i just want to share my experience with kava kava, for anxiety
in my own experience it works for me and very well,,,,there are also other tons of people getting the benefit of this plant,.......if this plant does not work on you ,,,well maybe you need to try other alternative,,,,,it is like some depression meds does not work on some people and they need to try other med,,,,,this is the same,,,,,,the plant is there for you to try like any other med,,,
I have suffer anxiety for 44 years of my life and believe me i have try everything you can imagine,, i have been on tons of different prescriptions drugs and try tons of different supplements ,natural remedies and so far this has been one of the best,,,,it will work better if you take it everyday for a time and you soon will start to feel the difference even with in the first 1 hour,,,
Other people say that kava kava can damage your liver,,,,,,well i say that the people in the Polynesia and pacific islands use it for centuries and there are not reports of liver damage at all! Here in canada this plant was banned and now the government make it legal so you can buy it in any natural supplements store in canada no problem.

I hope this post can help all does of you in search of alternatives for anxiety relieves .

26-09-15, 10:30
Hi Torombolo

Kava kava or whatever you wish to call it has been banned in a number of countries and that I am afraid is good enough for me and secondly I would always be apprehensive of buying stuff like that or other medications on the internet, especially from Amazon, who only act as middle men or agents. My own doctor has told me that she has had several cases of patients getting ill from buying something on the internet which they had previously bought say in another country at a chemist, and it turns out to be something quite different the ingrediants have been changed but not always intially noticeable..

Why give yourself more anxiety buying somethng that has been banned in certain countries.

26-09-15, 10:50
If the Canadian government have removed their ban, it must be for a reason so why not try it? If there was a medical risk there is no way they would remove that ban. If the OP has had relief from it, after being on concoctions of meds that we still don't understand the long term impacts off, why not.

Some of the things I mentioned earlier were banned for less than medical reasons in the UK yet are available in many other countries including the US who have a firm system like ours when it comes to meds. So, if the US are happy, I don't see an issue from that perspective. The bans on DHEA & GABA could be challenged in the UK if some companies wanted to do it since these products were not banned based on medical knowledge as since the US never banned them, it hardly makes it look justified anyway.

The funny thing is, what you buy on the internet could just as easily be the same quality of the generic supermarket brands. It's not like they have their own plants making the stuff, they buy it from a manufacturer who just stamps Tesco on it. The same as they do with their home branded electronics. But it does always pay to be careful and check as there are some dodgy sellers out there, like everything in life. There are many large sellers on the internet thesedays that sell supplements and they are reliable.

26-09-15, 11:50
I rather trust the word and experience of a GP but please yourself.

26-09-15, 11:58
I think I trust the experience of the experts who run their healthcare system in Canada. If NICE agree something, I know it's from a panel of experts who far outrank a GP. If the MHRA agree to licence a med, the same.

I understand your point and I agree to an extent. I think with kava, being cautious is very important, like other herbs.