View Full Version : Feel like i am swaying!!

21-09-15, 14:53
Does anybody else get a feeling that they are swaying even when sat or stood still.
I feel like I am going to topple over and that the ground is moving making me feel very unsteady.
I notice it sometimes when I am walking as well and I get scared that I will fall over.
Nobody has ever mentioned noticing me swaying even though sometimes I feel I have to hold on to something or lean against something.
This has been going on for some time and I get good and bad days.
Just wish I knew what was causing it.
I have been told it can be due to not breathing properly but I don't know how to change my breathing pattern.
Any help would be appreciated.

21-09-15, 17:12
Yes, when I have a bad flare up on anxiety. At first it really scared me but when somebody else told me they had the same experience, I calmed down and it wasn't as bad. Sometimes when sitting down, the table would look like it was moving, or the walls would sway or other objects would appear to be moving slightly. Also I had a lot of dizziness. This would cause me to panic which made it worse. I believe it's something to do with the surge of adrenaline in your system. But as you say it could be your breathing too. There are some good breathing exercises you could practice. Just google relaxation breathing exercises. But don't worry, mine went away once I realized it was nothing serious.

---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:30 ----------

Hi Helenclaire, I found this and thought it might help you.

One tried and true way that has helped many people fall asleep faster is the “4-7-8” breathing technique. It was popularized by Dr. Andrew Weil, a world renowned expert on holistic health and a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. The breathing exercise can be done anytime, anywhere, anyplace and is incredibly simple. Start by placing the tip of your tongue against the area of tissue right behind your upper front teeth, and it should stay there all throughout this entire exercise. Exhale at all times through your mouth and people have found that it can help if you try pursing your lips slightly. Begin by exhaling completely through your mouth, expelling the air with a whoosh sound. Then close your mouth and without making a sound inhale through your nose for a count of four. After that, hold your breath for a count of seven seconds and then you can exhale completely through your mouth, again making a whoosh sound and to a count of eight. All that should have been one complete breathe cycle and the exhalation part should have taken you twice as long as the inhalation portion. Repeat the process for three more cycles and a total of four breaths.
Dr. Weil describes this breathing exercise as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.” It only gets stronger and more effective with repeated practice. You should aim to do it twice a day, whether it is to relieve tension, stress, upsetting events, or when you’re trying to fall asleep. Anyone and everyone can benefit from the measured breathing technique because it makes you mindful and focused on your breathing, rather than on the stress or thoughts that are keeping you up at night.

Read more at http://www.sun-gazing.com/fall-asleep-60-seconds-every-night/#imYy0WKSycivr0eF.99

22-09-15, 09:35
I have this swaying or soft,moving ground sensation for 2years almost 24/7

22-09-15, 11:15
If I could stop this feeling I feel my anxiety would be better.
Its a vicious circle. because its making me anxious all the time.
It makes me worried about going out because I feel I will fall.

22-09-15, 19:38
Have you been to the doctor about it before? I had a problem with this (still do occasionally and take meds for it) where it was an inner ear imbalance thing which can cause you to feel very dizzy or unsteady. I believe it's called Menieres disease? It's really easy to handle with meds :) I took procholoperzine I believe, but I think there are others you can take.

Otherwise, like others have said, it could just be dizziness from anxiety and breathing irregularly from it. I think the breathing exercises can be quite helpful if you feel you are going to have a panic attack, but I think lying down and relaxing may help too and getting up slowly when you need to.

07-02-16, 06:35
I have this swaying or soft,moving ground sensation for 2years almost 24/7

Had the same thing you have talked about in posts. It was all anxiety. Takes more than just a day or two or three of relaxation for it to go away. Doctor just said brain in fine, but it's going haywire from all the anxiety overload.

07-02-16, 09:26
I have this too and have done on and off since October when my bad patch of anxiety started.

And yes, it makes me MORE anxious. It feels like I'm going to topple over and feel like I have to hold onto things occasionally and don't enjoy driving at all!

I freak out that I'm going to faint then have to remind myself that it never happens and this is most likely anxiety. Though I feel really crook a the moment with a bug of some kind so it also could be that?

Hope it passes as it sure is horrible.

07-02-16, 09:53
I'm having this for 3 months now. Ground feels like I'm walking a trampoline or falling through it. Very scary.

07-02-16, 09:58
Are you on any meds?
I'm on propranolol and feel like this. Kind of like a wobbly feeling

08-02-16, 11:56
This is what I'm suffering from and it's the worst part. I was trying to describe it as walking on sponge, my legs feel heavy and light at the same time. It's so odd and unnerving, but I had a really bad ear and sinus infection in August, and I think it's not been right since then. It's a vicious cycle because the dizziness is causing me anxiety, but the anxiety is causing more dizziness. I get pressure and soreness around my left ear, dull headaches and generally just feeling off kilter. Think I'm going to have to make a Drs appointment, at this stage id be relieved if it was TMJ or Menieres, at least it's an answer and something can be done.