View Full Version : Anyone around? Freaking out!

21-09-15, 21:57
I've felt so much better today, done some housework, visited a friend and eaten - thinking I was beating start up effects of sertraline but but it has hit me like a brick.

I am so tired but sat in chair in room with a pain in my right arm, in my chest, my heads gone numb and I can stop thinking that if I keep ignoring all of the physical symptoms, one day something will kill me. I've even imagined me saying to someone on my death bed, I told you so!

Please can someone just tell me it is fine???

21-09-15, 22:04

Many of us have been through the same , you have had a good day but now had a blip its bloody awful i know .

As you say its just the start up effects get through tonight and keep busy tomoz you will get there :hugs:

21-09-15, 22:09
Thank you Greenman. Yes, get through tonight and tomorrow is another day. I am so tempted to take a diazepam to help me sleep but I've not had one since Friday and don't want to unless I'm desperate (may come at some point during the night).

I just feel like my body is fighting sleep and rest like a warrior and I really have tried to be positive today and even made some (very tentative) plans for returning to work next week.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things to listen to when trying to get to sleep? Thinking it might be worth a try?

21-09-15, 22:12
Torimori, try to stay calm. :hugs:

Try these things that were told to me when I was like that.

Sit in a comfortable position with your arm on the top of a cushion.
Do some gentle breathing exercises.
Sip at some water occasionally.
Distract your mind with watching something interesting on the TV.
Have your mobile or phone nearby so that you feel secure.
Keep yourself warm but not too hot and wait for the feelings to pass.
Keep the Forum open, so that you have people to chat to if you need it. :)

21-09-15, 22:22
I will definitely try that now, carnation, thank you.

It's such a strange feeling knowing that you are not going crazy but have flashes of thinking that you are. I had hoped that five years in things will have gotten easier but hey-ho that is life!

22-09-15, 20:43
Hi torimoro . hope you are feeling better I am using an android app from Joseph Clough he has a hypnosis download for panic attacks and anxiety they are really really good x

22-09-15, 21:36
Hi torimoro . hope you are feeling better I am using an android app from Joseph Clough he has a hypnosis download for panic attacks and anxiety they are really really good x

Yes thank you - a better day today on the whole. I found a mindfulness guided video on YouTube and it seemed to do the trick. I am going to have a practice again tonight. Will try Joseph clough too - thank you.

22-09-15, 22:12
Hi, glad you're feeling better today. There is nothing worse when the symptoms have you glued to the chair in fear. Chest pains are truly awful - I get these a lot. I get them mainly on my right side and I used to go into a pure state of panic - now I think well my heart isn't on that side lol. x

22-09-15, 22:34
Hi, glad you're feeling better today. There is nothing worse when the symptoms have you glued to the chair in fear. Chest pains are truly awful - I get these a lot. I get them mainly on my right side and I used to go into a pure state of panic - now I think well my heart isn't on that side lol. x

You know what, they were on my right side as well when I think about it. I'm such a logical person and not uneducated which is why this drives me even more barmy! X

23-09-15, 12:05
You know what, they were on my right side as well when I think about it. I'm such a logical person and not uneducated which is why this drives me even more barmy! X
Lol - I feel your pain I really do. Yeah, I used to proper freak when I got them, thinking allsorts of dire thoughts. I don't know what right side chest pain is exactly, but I tell you what else I noticed - the pain seems to come from in my boob a lot of the time - well then that to me means it can't be an organ so I am ok lol. I know how daft this sounds, but hey, if it works then I aint complaining lol. Also sometimes the pain is in the centre of my chest - I like to think of this as the muscles are tightening and causing the pain. x

23-09-15, 12:33
Lol - I feel your pain I really do. Yeah, I used to proper freak when I got them, thinking allsorts of dire thoughts. I don't know what right side chest pain is exactly, but I tell you what else I noticed - the pain seems to come from in my boob a lot of the time - well then that to me means it can't be an organ so I am ok lol. I know how daft this sounds, but hey, if it works then I aint complaining lol. Also sometimes the pain is in the centre of my chest - I like to think of this as the muscles are tightening and causing the pain. x

Definitely - that's me too! When I calmed down, I realised that it was coming from the right side of my right boob. Then I also realised its almost that time of the month which likely explains it!

I've got a bit muscle knot in my back too which radiates pain so I should just start blaming that too!!!

Well that's my sensible head on......until the next time! X