View Full Version : Help with symptoms please.

21-09-15, 23:43
Hi there. 20 year old male here.

I have been having trouble in the past 8 months with a fear of ALS, which I still have.
However I have developed some new symptoms.
- I have what appears to be a swollen tonsil on one side - no white lumps
- I have a strong taste of mucus in my mouth and throat
- Feels like I have a lot of stringy mucus at the back of my throat
- Always clearing my throat
- Swallowing feels strained (This is the thing that kicked off my ALS fear 8 months ago, just chalked it up to anxiety though)
- Right arm also feels weak/fatigued (another thing that makes me scared of ALS)

Is this something just to monitor at home, is it Tosnsil Cancer, is it just a viral infection?

22-09-15, 00:01
Probably post nasal drip or acid reflux. I have it on one side of my throat (right side) where it feels like something is back there sometimes. I cough up mucus every day and often have to blow my nose.

That's most likely what's wrong. I very much doubt it's anything nearly as scary as ALS. Particularly after 8 months, you would know for sure by now if it was.

Try decongestants or mucus relief, maybe a daily antacid. Oh and stop Googling ALS.