View Full Version : does the world look different???

11-02-07, 20:39
Hi all,

One of the things that triggers my panic attacks is when my "safe people" go away on holiday. My safe people are my mum and dad and they don't know that I have this problem. I don't want to tell them because I don't want them to stop going on holiday or feel guilty about it all.

When they tell me they have booked a holiday I say " oh that sounds lovely I hope you have a great time" but it's that point that I start to become anxious. The anxiety goes on every day for weeks /months until mum and dad eventualy fly away on there holiday, it's at that point I start having panic attacks for the duration of there holiday. When they eventualy return the panic and anxiety goes.

My main question to you all is when im in this period of anxiety and panic the world looks and feels weird to me. The TV, my house and suroundings, my friends, everything just feels wrong and strange like im in a dream or like im watching myself from outside my body. Do any of you get these strange feelings on top of everythig else???

eddie d
11-02-07, 20:48
hi steve /i get something similar .i think its just a hightened sence of feeling .

11-02-07, 23:48
I think that's very normal. I've had times when I've felt so anxious about being alone that I call all my sisters and my parents to find out if someone will be home at night and if not at times I'll go to their homes. I'm getting better at managing it now, much better, but I can say that, just a few weeks ago, if my dad and mom had gone on a vacation I would've done pretty much the same thing you've been doing. I would've wished them a great time and worried about it constantly, then I would have probably had severe anxiety.

As for the feeling of things not being real, or right, or being strange or whatever... I think that's one of the most common symptoms we get. I get it fairly often and have found that when it occurs, there are usually certain thoughts driving it. Worries, fears, doubts. I know we've all got our own personal mixtures of these and I believe it's what causes the strange feelings.

Feeling like you're in a dream is normal for anxiety sufferers, it can definitely be frustrating and frightening, but it isn't harmful. Over time, you realize that the feeling passes. That's the thing to remember about it, is that it will pass sooner or later, don't let it drag you down, keep on with your daily stuff. I'm not saying to ignore it, just maybe shifting your focus to whatever it is you're doing and focusing more on that. It can be hard, but give it a try. I find that when I think less about the symptom/s they tend to vanish more quickly.

I believe they call this strange "dream-like" feeling despersonalization or something like that. It sucks doesn't it? As much as it may suck though, it's harmless and will go away in time. As I've had those sorts of feelings I can definitely relate, some times it's hard to describe exactly how it feels too. It's just frickin' weird dude.

Also, I think that being seperated from your parents for a time, or worrying about being seperated, could be one of your triggers. It would explain why the anxiety symptoms increase and why you get the strange feelings.

Well, ok, I've kind of written a novel here haven't I? Sorry for rambling so much, but I hope I've brought maybe just a little comfort. Remember you're not alone in this, remember that it will pass and is harmless anyway. My heart goes out to you my friend, I know how hard this can be.

God Bless you,


11-02-07, 23:58
Yes, Steve I get these same feelings when I go places. You right it seems like you watching your body inside out. It does seems like I in this world anymore. Everything is strange, well my body does'nt feel right. Well I am having a panick attack right now and need some support. God bless..

11-02-07, 23:59
[quote]Feeling like you're in a dream is normal for anxiety sufferers, it can definitely be frustrating and frightening, but it isn't harmful. [i][right]

I know that feeling exactly...'out of body' kind of feeling. The world feels like a v weird place...

I've read up a bit about 'derealisation' and 'depersonalisation' and I think this is how you're feeling. As Dave says they're not harmful and one of the ways I deal with it is by acknowledging to myself that's what it is, a strange feeling that will do no harm and recognising it as a trigger for my panic attacks. For me it begins to take the scaryness out of them - seeing the feelings for what they really are.

Hope you feel better soon.

When you talk about your 'safe people'... what really scares you about them being away? By writing down exactly why can often help you realise that you'll be OK without them being around. Hope this helps a bit.... sorry, bit brief...


12-02-07, 16:34
Hi Steve

I get those weird feelings too. It's like everything around you is really far away and you're kind of looking at things from a distance. Even peoples voices seem to be coming from a distance. I have had quite a few long periods when I felt like this and some short ones. I also feel like this after I've had a panic attack, sometimes for a few days afterwards.

I just try and accept it for what it is which is a symptom of anxiety. I find that if I occupy myself with things to do and concentrate on these
things instead of the weird feelings, they go away much sooner.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Take care


12-02-07, 19:07
Thankyou all so so much for the replies.
I have found them very reasuring and comforting. To know
that " it ain't just me" meens so so much thankyou all.