View Full Version : I am so scared and i need advice,support anything :((((((((((((((((((((

22-09-15, 09:34
So whats been happening to me lately is totally weird and isolating, i dont know what to do next but i am going to see my dentist.
I have been getting these small bumps on the insides of my mouth, cheek,lower lip. Its not white in color but i can see its filled with fluid. I noticed however more and more bumps started forming. Two days ago i experienced numbness on my upper lip then also it felt like my lip was drooping and i felt weird for about 2 days. I am so scared after googling that i could have mouth cancer. I dont know why this is happening to me, every year its something but im more scared about this and im really afraid of why i am getting more of these little bumps.

22-09-15, 09:39
Iv got loads of little lumps bumps in my lips. I thought same but i was told theysalivary glands. Two years later i still have them no change

22-09-15, 09:42
Iv got loads of little lumps bumps in my lips. I thought same but i was told theysalivary glands. Two years later i still have them no change

Im really scared as i have never had this before :(((

22-09-15, 10:27
Hi Melishaxoxo

I ended up at the dentist on Saturday with the exact same thing plus a white ulcer convinced I had oral cancer.

dentist told me that if you aggravate your gums, tongue, lips etc the bodies natural way of defending s to produce blisters/ or white coverings to help heal. they should disappear soon.

I clench my teeth because of my anxiety so have a world of problems with my mouth but your dentist will reassure you.

I googled also and made myself ill.. try not to google and see your dentist.

you will be fine xxxx