View Full Version : Knee Feels Awkward, ALS Fear at a maximum

22-09-15, 14:32
Hey guys, been struggling on and off with an ALS fear for over a year now. Just wanted to know if anyone else with their anxiety has felt their left side (or just one side of the body) have all these weird symptoms. Sometimes I feel like my knee is just awkward and is going to give out or bend backwards. I have never a fallen or anything but I am constantly self testing my strength in my left leg and my left hand. Sometimes my left hand feels off and like it isn't as coordinated. ALS has me absolutely crippled and I wanted to know if I was alone in this. Can anxiety manifest itself into these symptoms???:weep::weep:

22-09-15, 15:10
I had some similar fears as you for a short while after the big publicity thing raising awareness for ALS. Yes you can definitely get symptoms worse on one side, the majority of any symptoms I get are on the left side of my body (hand, arm, face etc) because this is the side I'm overly focusing on and concentrating on all the time. I've had those weird moments with my knee, or my hand or maybe feeling really weak in my hand or something like that so you aren't alone at all... :):hugs:

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

Also what handed are you? (Which hand do you write/throw with etc?)

22-09-15, 16:30
I really appreciate the response. Could be that I am so focused on my left knee that I imagine it buckling. I also have been self testing my left leg (jumping on it, balancing on it) that I have really put it to the point of exhaustion. It is comforting to hear that people have felt that same way I have. Had a tough night last night, didn't sleep because I was convinced my weak left knee was the beginning stages to ALS.

---------- Post added at 11:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 ----------

I am right handed, dominant on the right side. I heard anxiety can attack the non-dominant side.

22-09-15, 17:00
Self-testing, especially of strength and balance can absolutely make you feel weaker. You're using muscles that are rarely used when you start putting them in different situations, daily, to exhaustion. If you stop the self testing you'll notice a big change in a few days I'm sure of it.

Trust me, your knee isn't going to bend backwards, and if it ever did, it wouldn't be because of ALS.

The fact that after a year of worry you're still going strong tells me you don't have ALS. Constantly testing and scrutinizing every movement will only create problems that weren't there. Coupled with the fact that your mind is amplifying your symptoms you're just getting worried over nothing.

If you try to imagine that you have an itch in your foot, you'll convince yourself you do and you'll probably start feeling it. Same with weakness - if you think your leg is weak, you'll convince yourself it is, but if you had to use it to get out of the way of a car you'd be fine...

22-09-15, 18:40
Self testing has been brutal on my knee. Was running yesterday and my leg got very fatigued. Just over exertion. Had this problem a year ago as well. Thanks so much for your reply. Be well.