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View Full Version : Feel like im going to die :(

22-09-15, 18:56
Hi People, well the last couple weeks have been everything but fine for me.
As a seasoned hypochondriac i already had nearly all diseases and survived them all! (Amazing not?) :blush:

Anyway a couple weeks back i got caught by a nasty chest cold, this is in remission at the moment and that is going better.

Then a week ago i got some kind of sinus infection and that has no also gone down, but i am really worried about the following symptom i got (Which i never had before)

I'm having clicking in my right ear for the last 5 days and it's driving me totally nut balls. :weep:

I have been poking around and trying to find the cause of this but i only end up on scary stuff such as a blocked artery and such.
I also noticed that while i have the clicking in my ear and i press only very lightly on that side of my neck (on the vein, or above) it seems to stop until when i let loose..
Sometimes it seems it's on my heart rate but sometimes it seems much much faster the clicking, with the same effect (The slightest of pressure on that side of my neck seems to take the clicking away until i let loose again.)

Im so scared i have a blood-clot or something :( and that its going to let loose and shoot into my brain..

My mom; i talked to her on the phone she says it's not uncommon after having any kind of cold or sinus issue to have the weird pulsatile clicks in the ears.

Any opinion here ?
Or reassurance from people that have experienced it before ?
It's also not continuous sometimes it stops for about an hour and then starts again.....

Sometimes its really at heart rate sometimes it way faster and irregular clicking.

Look forward to some support and advice ......

22-09-15, 19:18
i've not had this.

even when i've had colds i've not had this afterwards

your mum seems confident though. if she says it's normal, then chances are you've not much to worry about. if she had totally freaked and started searching everything possible that could be wrong, that's diffrent. but she didn't, and i don't think you have anything to worry about

from what you've written too, you don't get dry blood in your ear, or ringing in the ears, anything like that- that's a good sign too and another thing.. it's not constant.

i'd say if you are concerned about it see a doctor to be on the safe side, but from where i'm sitting it sounds like not much to be concerned about


22-09-15, 19:28
Hey Mr right first off with my hearing loss I wear hearing aids and I am prone to ear infections
I get all sorts of clicking noises in my ear , you mention your chest infection , if you have had a cold this can also effect the ears and cause the sound and sensation you describe .

You mention yourself a sinus infection so this will most probably be down to that .

Stop prodding your neck it's not connected our ears nose and throat are and they have a knock on effect to one another .

Your Mum is right really it's very common and others on here will tell you the same ypu may even have fluid in your ear from the sinus infection ( nothing to worry about ) it will clear .

On the subject of the blood clot , well my brother died of a blood clot and trust me it doesn't work like that okay , you do not have a blood clot .

Your tired and stressed and joining the dots where there are none .
Relax I am sure others will come on and tell you the same cx

I do understand I was terrified about visual problems I have all the time until I met someone on here who as exactly the same problem ( I mean to a T ) .
He is the one I turn to now with that fear and we even laugh about it because we know we are not going blind .
Don't let the fear win okay .

22-09-15, 19:35
Hi Emily,
Thanks for your answer.
Well my mom is very laidback to everything concerning health...
The opposite of myself haha.
But going to the doc is an idea and i went a couple month's back for my other ear had also weird noizes in it, but that topped after a couple hours and never came back.

Only this is very different really clicking......
And yes well going to a doc is 1.
But me really going there is 2.

Because i have what is called severe diagnosis fear.
The moment i enter the surgery my BP shoots up to 180/110
and my heart goes op to 160 or more ;)

So not the kind of hypochondriac that walks in often at the doctors office :(

And now just i sneezed way hard a couple minutes ago, and my through is hurting like hell, could i have pulled or stretched a muscle ?

Some week :(

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

Hey Mr right first off with my hearing loss I wear hearing aids and I am prone to ear infections
I get all sorts of clicking noises in my ear , you mention your chest infection , if you have had a cold this can also effect the ears and cause the sound and sensation you describe .

You mention yourself a sinus infection so this will most probably be down to that .

Stop prodding your neck it's not connected our ears nose and throat are and they have a knock on effect to one another .

Your Mum is right really it's very common and others on here will tell you the same ypu may even have fluid in your ear from the sinus infection ( nothing to worry about ) it will clear .

On the subject of the blood clot , well my brother died of a blood clot and trust me it doesn't work like that okay , you do not have a blood clot .

Your tired and stressed and joining the dots where there are none .
Relax I am sure others will come on and tell you the same cx

I do understand I was terrified about visual problems I have all the time until I met someone on here who as exactly the same problem ( I mean to a T ) .
He is the one I turn to now with that fear and we even laugh about it because we know we are not going blind .
Don't let the fear win okay .

Thanks :)
But it's so hard sometimes, and it just takes up all my life..
And yes when i comes to my ears, i really panic very fast because my ears are the most important thing to me.
I'm (Not to sound Cheekie) a kind of famous Music Producer and DJ.
So my ears are what brings food on the plate of my family..

But yeah Doc.Google showed me all the possible causes of what i have when i looked up pulsatile tinutites (Sorry misspelled)

And offcourse ''Stache'' only remembered the worst causes ...

22-09-15, 19:50
I did the same with my eyes . Truly I was convinced I was going blind since talking to the guy on here I have not googled once .
We literally still have the same things going on but I tend to message him at silly o clock saying ' my eyes are going nuts ' .