View Full Version : Help

22-09-15, 20:40
Help please. I am on a path of self destruction. No way out. My head is overloaded with paranoia and its all consuming. All my insecurities are merging into one and trying to calm one insecurity increases another. I'm so done with continually struggling and coping I don't see the point of my existence. I just survive miserably!

22-09-15, 22:09
It sounds like you have a lot going on for you you at the moment. Can you share more of how you are feeling? Try to focus on a positive something that makes you feel good and for a while try to put everything that is difficult to the side ...you know its there but you may need to just tell yourself you need a bit of space and time and then when you are ready take one thing at a time.

You say continually struggling can you expand on that feeling? Miserably?

Have you anyone to listen. You have come to the right place you will get a lot of support from this site.

Best wishes

24-09-15, 09:01
I just feel like I

---------- Post added at 09:01 ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 ----------

I just feel like I have completely lost who I am. I don't know how to act - I want to please everyone - I want to be perfect. Therefore, its impossible, therefore I spend my days beating myself up and convincing myself I'm not liked....

I don't know why I am so insecure but its making me so introverted!

I feel miserable - there is a constant cycle leading from anxiety to depression with me..

Thanks for your response

24-09-15, 13:58
I know what it's like to beat yourself up all the time. It took me a long time to be kind to myself. It's about doing your best, but also finding balance and putting yourself first too. If people are upset, that's ok, they will get over it and if they don't, they aren't worth it.

Think about what you would tell somebody else in your position. Be kind to yourself, have compassion for yourself. You can only do the best you can.