View Full Version : why do some claim SSRIs are a placebo?

23-09-15, 08:37
I have seen this comment at few times, but Is there not scientific evidence on how they work?

23-09-15, 10:06
Yes, there is. Numerous clinical trials since the only way to get them licenced is through this route.

BUT they were originally meant for depression but were found to be useful in other disorder like anxiety. SNRI's for instance are also licenced for physical conditions and then others like Pregabalin (not as SSRI) came later but were anti-epileptic meds.

There is still no definitive proof (as far as I know) that low serotonin levels cause anxiety or depression or whether it is just an outcome of these disorders. This is often why it becomes a matter of debate as to how useful they are, but if they work for people, there must be something right in there. Like we always say though, these meds just give you breathing space and help to adjust the serotonin levels, they don't do the recovery part.

Who says they are placebo? A credible medical professional (not a GP) or someone on a forum who "thinks" they know? There are many anti meds people around on the internet and many of them are selling natural products :winks: and there are the guru's who will tell you they don't work and that even CBT has no evidence (despite the enourmous amount of studies behind it).

23-09-15, 11:01
There is scientific evidence that SSRIs (and other antidepressants ADs) perform better than placebo. However, this is an averaged figure. For many people, a given AD has little or no effect, whereas others see a significant improvement.

When a doctor prescribes an AD, they know that there may be only a one in five chance of it being effective, but they don't tell patients that. Rather, they push the "doctor placebo" effect for all it's worth.

Illnesses like anxiety and depression are self-healing for many people, who may not need AD treatment. This has to be distinguished from long-term anxiety over years that has been suffered by many NMP posters, who even then may find current medication unable to treat their anxiety.