View Full Version : relapses.....

11-02-07, 22:38
ok...had bad relapse 5 months ago...full anxiety which for me always leads to depression as get so down about it...was really getting better last 2 months...then...last Friday BANG....back again.
Do we just accept the replases
or do I think ok maybe the meds arent working anymore...Im so reluctant to change meds as cant cope with the withdraw then the feeling crap on new ones then findiong they dont work.....
Im so peed off as due back to work in 3 weeks ........

11-02-07, 22:43
Feel 4 you as it isnt the meds it they do work when we get used to them but we also have to take on the hard time and with recovering so well we take them hard. You are nearly there and this is just a temporary hurdle trust me i had so many of them.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

12-02-07, 00:34
Relapses can happen. It may have nothing to do with the drugs at all. I cannot say for certain as I'm not a Doctor and don't know your personal situation very well. For example, I take zoloft, 100 MG at night and lorazepam, half a MG three times a day. I often catch myself thinking (worrying) about what the drugs may be doing to me. Could they be making my anxiety worse? Could they be causing some of these strange symptoms I have? Would I be better without one of them? Will I ever be able to get off them altogether?

It's a vicious cycle isn't it? Some times I feel really good, then suddenly I feel bad and I wonder too about the drugs. The thing is, I don't believe it is actually them making us worse or not helping us. I believe it is largely our frame of mind, for example, how we view them.

If you had a high cholestorol, or an STD, or some horrid physical illness would you hesitate to take drugs that would save your life? I wouldn't. I might worry about what they'd do, but I'd take them anyway because they would help.

If you find yourself often thinking negative thoughts about your medications, try to shift the way you think of it. Think of how much good they have done you in the past and how much good they will continue to do you. Think of how they are helping you now.

As for whether you should switch medications, I can't really advise you in that. You should talk to a psychiatrist about your situation and symptoms and be sure to mention any side effects of the medications you may have had.

God Bless you,


12-02-07, 00:54
thanks david..i think its because I had long periods of time feeling ok...but in the last 5 moths have had 2 relapses...
I dont mid taking the meds...just really dont want to change as it can be a minfield, some work some dont etc...

12-02-07, 07:23
Hi Mooks. Firstly I am sorry that you are feeling so bad at the moment. Medication is a minefield and i agree that it's horrible getting used to a new type. This is a simple idea but it helped me when I was at my worst with anxiety. Have you ever read books by Claire Weekes? She gives cheerful sensible advice to anxiety sufferers in a calm no-nonsense way. She has a whole chapter devoted to coping with setbacks (which can happen even when you are on the way to recovery). Believe me, these books are really good. 'Self help for your nerves' is my favourite. I hope that you feel better soon xxxMaz


13-02-07, 02:33
Don't worry! I know easier said than done, but I have had been on and off Zoloft for the last 4 years. I get better go off of them for about 9 or 10 months and then go back on, but even so, I still have times of anxiety and panic attacks when on the meds. It gets better though...your body will begin to adapt. Hang in there! We are all in this together!