View Full Version : Health anxiety or "real". Please help!

23-09-15, 12:43
Hi there
I have sensitive polyneuropathy amongst other things that have had me practically bedridden and housebound for months. Also due to some medication I was taking my anxiety and panic was through the roof.
In the last month or so as my neuropathy began to improve and I was able to start walking again, my 24/7 anxiety had started to improve as well.
Then a couple of days ago I had a bad night's sleep and the following day my stomach was gurgling, skin was burning, shortness of breath, went all weak and felt as if I was dying. I decide not to rush off to the hospital and just spoke to a friend, she helped me calm down quite a bit. But ever since I had been on edge and my polyneuropathy symptoms are worse.
Do all those symptoms sound like anxiety and panic? Thanks for any kind words x

23-09-15, 13:33
Hi hun, firstly I have no knowledge of your medical condition, however know a lot about anxiety.
Firstly, a bad nights sleep upsets my anxiety levels greatly, I'm more irritable and irrational when I'm tired, it's like I don't have the energy to fight the negative thoughts.
Secondly, when my anxiety is high, I feel hot all over, generally more flushed in the face, however, I've had my stats done when I feel like this and my temperature was normal.
Thirdly, when my anxiety is high, it impacts on my tummy, I need the toilet more, don't eat properly and sometimes feel stabbing pains.
Please note, I'm not a medical professional, I can't tell you what your symptoms are, I am merely describing what symptoms I now understand are anxiety in me. Xxx

23-09-15, 13:55
Sial, in view of your history I would get some medical advice on this. It could very well be "just" anxiety triggering off physical symptoms but I think you should make contact with the team which has been looking after you and describe your symptoms.

Please let us know how you are feeling and take care-this is probably just a nasty blip but you need to make sure xx

23-09-15, 14:54
Thanks Traceypo and Pulisa.
Pulisa the problem is that this happened to me twice before. They have taken me to hospital where I have had to wait for hours only to be told that it is all part of the pharma induced polyneuropathy and that nothing can be done, just wait and see. And of course, just waiting to see how it will evolve makes me extremely nervous.
When all this happened to me 6 months ago I was in hospital for 2 weeks, they ran absolutely loads of tests: lumbar puncture, brain scan, neck and back mri, 24hr holter, emg...
That neurologist confirmed that it was a sensory polyneuropathy caused by a medication. My next appointment is in November.
Apart from the physical symptoms, the fact that I have been told (and I also know from my own research) that this might get better, or not, or even continue to get worse, has me living in permanent fear of what is to come.
Since there is nothing that can be done about it I wish I could just accept everyday as it comes, but I can't.
Sorry about the essay, just needed to take it off my chest.

23-09-15, 18:34
My God, who prescribed these meds for you? You must be in an absolute turmoil through no fault of your own?

It must be very hard to live with that "legacy" and all the uncertainty involved. Have you got much faith in your neurologist? It all sounds very unsatisfactory and you're certainly not getting enough support,if any?

How are you feeling now? xx

23-09-15, 19:20
Pulisa, she is a good neurologist but there really is nothing that can be done to reverse the damage. I go to an accupuncturist who has helped me a lot and also put me on a gluten, sugar and dairy free diet and has recommended many supplements. I am in touch with many people who have been "floxed" (that is how they call people that have been poisoned by this drug) and they all say that there is no cure, just a few supplements that help, patience and prayer as only time will tell if we heal.
This apparently heals in ups and downs, so I am now in a down and have to pray for an up.
The worst part of all this for me is that I can't take care of my 6 year old daughter like I used to x

23-09-15, 19:55
No, I'm sure you can't which must be very frustrating for both you and her.
I'm sorry it's a watching and waiting game-with the nervous system it's all so unpredictable and you must be so angry about the whole situation?

I hope that things start to improve really soon and that your anxiety levels are bearable? Everything sounds so complicated and difficult for you xx

23-09-15, 20:25
Thanks so much Pulisa! It's helpful to talk about what I am going through xx

23-09-15, 21:12
Yours is obviously a very complex case, Sial and it must be difficult to find anyone locally who would understand just what you are going through.

I hope that the medic who prescribed the drug has recognised that your neuropathy is directly linked to the meds and is not trying to deny any connection? If so at least this admission would protect others from your diagnosis.

23-09-15, 21:41
Pulisa, unfortunately this medicine is an antibiotic that is prescribed all the time because we are becoming antibiotic resistant, so they are now using this one that should only be used in extreme cases for loads if things. I only had HPylori, no big deal. It does have a special warning on the leaflet, I think they call it black box warning.
I have got a lawyer on the subject.
The only good thing I can say is that all the people I have met affected by this in the States and Canada have found it very hard if not impossible to get doctors to admit the problem, whereas here in Spain, not one doctor has doubted it, in fact two doctors that have seen me have said they also had some nasty side effects from them.