View Full Version : Am I biting off more than I can chew?

11-02-07, 23:50
Some advice needed...My OH is in SE Asia and has been since November and looks like he'll be there till October. I've got a chance to spend 2 weeks with him at Easter BUT I have a big problem with flying and can't imagine spending 12 hrs on a plane on my own. I get v panicky in anything 'enclosed'...you name it... lifts, busses, trains etc.. I have been practising and going on trains but only with a good friend. Managing to feel my fear but need someone with me I know.

Can't seem to do it on my own yet.

I'm tempted just to book my ticket and deal with it when I get there but there's a part of me that is quite simply terrified....

I just don't know what to do. He thinks I'm making excuses and just don't want to travel out there. He doesn't really 'get' the panic attack thing.

There was a chance my cousin would come with me - he was planning a trip to Thailand but it looks like he won't be able to now. The thought of travelling with him made the journey bearable...

Oh, I dunno...it's late and my mind's working overtime!

Thanks for listening....

12-02-07, 03:21
I know how you feel.I have to fly in October and am resigned to just getting on the plane (maybe with a couple of Valium)
just go for it and you may amaze yourself

Don't believe everything you think.

12-02-07, 07:59

hmmmm....tuff one...

I think only you know it you r ready for it...but sometimes we do need a kick up the backside....

If you book you're ticket can you get a refund?

I would def suggest goin with ur cousin as at least you wont b on ur own...

But wow wot an achievement it would b for u eh..

Well done for even considering it hun....n yes maybe some diaz might help lol I know if it was me id take them....

Go for it I'd say....gud luck x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!