View Full Version : How do I trust doctor and not my thoughts

23-09-15, 14:14
I've just been to doctors with stabbing pains in upper left breast area it was like someone sticking needles into me . He listened to my heart and lungs and said all fine did blood pressure all normal but he didn't do ecg as he said it just feeds the anxiety around heart. He said it probably anxiety and just take painkillers. I'm struggling to believe I'm ok and it not heart related I do suffer with heart related anxiety. I want so much to trust him but my thoughts keep telling me something different.

23-09-15, 14:26
You either do or you don't. Remember he has years and years of training. You have Google.

23-09-15, 14:56
I think when u have health anxiety one of the hardest things is to trust the doctor. I try to stay away from Google cause it genuinely scares me what will come up and makes everything worse. I want so much to trust him I really do . Unfortunately your thoughts will tell you something completely different. Xxx

23-09-15, 18:03
You either do or you don't. Remember he has years and years of training. You have Google.


plus he wouldn't be in the job if he didn't know what he was doing


23-09-15, 18:52
This subject and behavior is one of the most perplexing that I see on the boards. Sufferers spend countless hours, days, months and even years worrying about a symptom(s). They go to the doctor (sometimes several) get tests (sometimes many) and then come onto an anxiety forum full of fellow anxiety sufferers and ask for their opinion :huh:

Sadly, it's just the MO for HA. Doubting doctors and scientific well proven tests is part of the illness. The reality is that those tests and doctors opinions are far more valid than the opinion of a stranger on an internet forum.

Trust your doctor! Trust the tests. If they're clear, you're Ok!

I know what some are going to think/say... Sometimes they can be wrong! I read on Google about (name rare, uncommon case here) that happened to this person....BUT... those cases are rare, few and far between.

Positive thoughts

23-09-15, 19:35
Thanks. I think one of the hardest parts is trust. I understand why he wouldn't do ecg cause it probably does feed the fear . It's a cycle that is hard to break I think the fear takes hold the what if thinking and the rational part of you just goes out the window and your left with the fear again. Having chest pains of any description is scary and trying to convince yourself that it nothing heart related is one of the hardest things I've had to do or try to do. I just hate the way my mind will automatically think worse case scenario and then the fear takes hold .xx

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

I start to doubt everything and everyone who is trying to help me. I seek reassurance a lot and it's a part of me I don't like because you get it and then you start doubting that reassurance. Xx

23-09-15, 19:51
My problem, and it might be one that people share, is that I DO trust the doctor but I worry that not everything has been looked at.

For example, a doctor would look at me, 30 years old, no history of heart problems, good test results and he'll be trained to say anxiety. I don't mind that.

However, if he hasn't done a test, I'll think "how has he ruled that out?". For example, atrial fibrillation only really shows up on ECGs if it happens at the time. If not, I don't understand how it can be ruled out.

I think this is slightly different to not trusting the doctor. If he said "I did this test and you're fine", I'd believe him. But if he doesnt do the test, there will be an element of doubt in my head.

23-09-15, 19:55
Doubt is hard to deal with. Even having a bit of doubt to somebody who has health anxiety can spiral into all sorts of thoughts usually the wrong kind of thoughts. It's a vicious cycle and one that is not easy to break. Xxx

23-09-15, 20:01
I should be reassured by the fact he doesn't feel the test is necessary. That should remove my doubt. But I keep thinking that he's just playing the numbers. He's saying it's very unlikely I've got a problem so it's not worth checking. That logic doesn't sit well with my stupid head lol.

23-09-15, 20:12
My own doctor is the same. If he doesn't feel I need something he won't do it for me. I've had tests on heart done in 2013 and all normal but my head will start thinking that's two years ago and things change so I have a tendency to dwell on that thought. I want so much to break this cycle but at a loss as to how.xxx

23-09-15, 20:28
When you figure it out, tell me! I'm all for telling myself it's anxiety but that feels like I'm lying to myself. It doesn't ever really convince my head!

23-09-15, 20:43
I'm a long time trying to figure it out. I can get panic attack from the pain or the fact that I get popping sensation in chest which scares the crap out of me which is probably normal but to me it's always has to b something sinister always. Xxx it's hard living in my head sometimes. Xx

23-09-15, 20:47
Also to be honest, even when I do convince myself it's anxiety, I reckon I'll be worried about that - about it getting worse etc. Panic about the panic.

23-09-15, 20:58
My problem, and it might be one that people share, is that I DO trust the doctor but I worry that not everything has been looked at.

For example, a doctor would look at me, 30 years old, no history of heart problems, good test results and he'll be trained to say anxiety. I don't mind that.

However, if he hasn't done a test, I'll think "how has he ruled that out?". For example, atrial fibrillation only really shows up on ECGs if it happens at the time. If not, I don't understand how it can be ruled out.

I think this is slightly different to not trusting the doctor. If he said "I did this test and you're fine", I'd believe him. But if he doesnt do the test, there will be an element of doubt in my head.

I feel like this EXACTLY. Thank you for articulating this so perfectly.

23-09-15, 21:22
I know that feeling of panicking over panicking. It's like you could be having a rare good day but your still waiting for the pain to come or for something to happen. I panic when I have pain but yet I panic when I don't. It genuinely makes no sense at all.Xxx when I have pain I'm thinking why do I have it and when I don't have it I'm thinking why don't I have It.xx

24-09-15, 08:23
I feel like this EXACTLY. Thank you for articulating this so perfectly.

No worries, I'm always reading posts trying to find something that articulates how I feel. I sometimes feel weird pains that I can't describe and I worry that I won't be able to tell the doctor properly.

24-09-15, 12:04
I'm a long time trying to figure it out. I can get panic attack from the pain or the fact that I get popping sensation in chest which scares the crap out of me which is probably normal but to me it's always has to b something sinister always. Xxx it's hard living in my head sometimes. Xx

In regards to the 'popping pain' you could be talking about precordial catch syndrome! Do a quick wiki read on it because it really will calm your nerves a bit!:yesyes:

24-09-15, 14:40
It's not a popping pain it just feels like a weird popping sensation in chest like bubbles popping if that even the right way to describe it.xxx

24-09-15, 17:03
It's not a popping pain it just feels like a weird popping sensation in chest like bubbles popping if that even the right way to describe it.xxx

I think that's a lot of how people describe this too, and it could even be trapped air? Have the doctors done that thing where they measure your blood oxygen with the finger monitor?
I've had a lot of chest pains lately of all different types and I even ended up going to A&E, X-ray, bloods and a CT scan. Nothing suspicious in there apparently.

Chest pain can apparently happen for many number of reasons like muscles, inflammation of the plura/cartilage so you shouldn't always assume the very worst. Maybe try to consider it as something else like this and then see if that helps ease up some of the hypersensitivity you might have :) x

24-09-15, 17:41
It's hard to distract yourself from the thoughts around it. I can even convince myself that it could be caused by clot on lung even though doctor listened to lungs and said they clear it's crazy what you can make yourself believe when you suffer with health anxiety. Xxx

25-09-15, 14:13
for me i find it helps me to trust the doctor if i have someone i trust go with me to the doctor, it gives you a (hopefully) rational third party to reinforce what the doc is saying and make sure you are being treated right and having your questions answered, for me that person is my wife but it can be any trusted friend or relative