View Full Version : Coping strategies for various symptoms

23-09-15, 17:13
I've posted a few times, mainly because I'm scared and want reassurance or answers. This isn't one of those posts, although I am still suffering with symptoms that to my mind are getting worse and starting to affect my job. However, this post isn't about seeking answers or to debate whether it is actually anxiety. This post is to get people's opinions on what works well for them in the hope I'll learn some new coping strategies.

I've tried CBT and it hasn't made a big impact.

I've tried deep breathing but always struggle with doing it slowly and when I take too big a breath in, it sometimes hurts my ribs. I'm more conscious of my heart beats during this time too.

I've reached the stage where the majority of chest pains can be ignored. I don't fear them. In my head, assuming it is anxiety, the worst that can happen is it gets worse then I'll take a painkiller.

However there are some symptoms that I really struggle to deal with so I'd love people's tips:

- Dizziness. This happens occasionally and I could be sat in a chair or standing up. I worry that I can't stop it, that I'll faint and there's nothing I can take for it. As I get more dizzy, the panic rises.

- Certain chest pain that doesn't actually hurt, but it's more of a pulsing pain or pinching pain. This worries me as it feels like someone squeezing my heart. I'd prefer more pain than the horrible squeezing tightening sensation.

- Jittery feelings. I never drink coffee but I imagine drinking 10 cups makes you feel similar to the jittery feeling I get. It's like an internal car engine running, or an internal shakiness or constant quick vibration. It really bothers me, makes me feel on edge and I don't know how to reduce it.

I often get symptoms at work or at home. At work, people talk to me constantly and I'm needed to do presentations or lead meetings. At home, I have a 2 year old who demands my attention. I need coping strategies that I can do to help myself while I'm also dealing with life. I can't really go and lie down.

Does anyone have any tips?

23-09-15, 19:12
What is it that is worrying you? I have always liked breaking down the thought that has me worried and "putting it on trial." Basically this kind of turns the tables on the anxiety. What worries you?

23-09-15, 19:35
When I get dizzy, and have associated pinching chest pains, I worry ultimately about a heart problem. In the more immediate short term, I worry about fainting at work in front of people which would be embarrassing. When I manage to convince myself it's not heart related, I then worry the anxiety is getting worse, and if it gets worse, I might have to leave my job, have no income, put a strain on the family etc.

23-09-15, 19:48
Take a step back and put that thought on trial. First of all how old are you? Second off, chest pain and dizziness are tell tale signs of anxiety. They could in fact be the 2 most common symptoms. I know when I get anxiety attacks, my chest gets tight and I have head rushes. What you have to realize is that it is just anxiety, you do not have a heart problem. If you keep getting these attacks over and over and no heart problem arises at all, then understand it's all anxiety. In terms of worrying about your family, work on treating your anxiety because it is not a heart problem or fainting in front of coworkers that will cause an issue, it's the anxiety. Anxiety is complex and can manifest itself it multiple ways. Read the symptoms of anxiety and you'll notice chest pain and dizziness are there. I have had these attacks. When I get dizzy I fear a brain issue, but breathing and realizing the unliklihood of something seriously wrong helps. Don't let anxiety bring you down, be stronger than it and ultimately you'll be stronger for your family. :yesyes::yesyes:

23-09-15, 19:59
That makes sense, it really does. I genuinely try and do that. I've had my current issues for 2 years, in various severity, so I know anxiety is the most likely cause. During high severity times, like currently, I think it's different and must be real!

I'll try and explain my problems with your advice. When I feel bad, let's say in a work meeting, the panic will rise, dizziness starts, chest pain starts etc. I then tell myself it's just anxiety and try and breathe more deliberately. When this doesn't work immediately or within a few minutes, and I still feel bad, I feel like I'm out of options to try and reduce things, and the panic rises more and I feel worse and more convinced it's real etc. I'm obviously impatient. But when I feel bad, I want to reduce the symptoms immediately so I can cope in the situation. Telling myself it's anxiety doesn't seem to work immediately.

I do accept that it doesn't work because I probably don't fully believe it 100% in that moment. I don't know how to convince myself!

If there was one thing I could do that immediately reduced symptoms, that would be a massive help towards convincing myself. I don't know if there is anything that people do to have an immediate effect or to help convince themselves?

24-09-15, 08:25
Also, and this is the annoying thing for me - anxiety itself doesn't bring me down. I don't normally feel anxious. The symptoms get me down. Dizziness gets me down.

silver blaze
24-09-15, 09:31
yes the dizziness gets me down too you would after 5 decades of it I'd be used to the s..t thing

24-09-15, 12:40
What do you do to reduce it?

24-09-15, 13:43
I've had many years to learn how to cope with these "symptoms" - the only thing that has helped me is making a real effort NOT to think about them. If I can totally get my mind off my symptoms I find they disappear. It's not easy to do, but totally engaging myself in some other activity gives me some relief. I think a lot of us with HA have very vivid imaginations and are highly sensitive, which is part of the problem. Try your hardest to get engaged with some other activity when these problems start.

Dizziness is the absolute worst. I'm currently experiencing it, and I think of all the anxiety symptoms its the one that scares me and bothers me the most. It's very surreal. I'm going through it today, which is why I am here on this forum. In a few minutes I am going to shut down the computer and go try to engage in an activity that will get my mind off it. I may or may not be successful - but I'm going to try my hardest to find something that will help. If I try one thing and find myself still thinking about it, I'll keep trying new things until I find the one thing that will help me forget, even if for an hour or two.

Good luck, and know that you are not alone in your worries.