View Full Version : Checking/rechecking/poking/prodding

23-09-15, 17:36
Is constant (multiple times a day) checking/poking/prodding of a body part a sign of health anxiety? Can that constant checking lead to swelling and/or soreness of that area? How do you make yourself stop the constant checking?

23-09-15, 17:45
Is constant (multiple times a day) checking/poking/prodding of a body part a sign of health anxiety? ---- Yes!

Can that constant checking lead to swelling and/or soreness of that area? ---- Absolutely!

How do you make yourself stop the constant checking? --- Distraction, positive lifestyle changes, tackling your health anxiety through discussing with your Dr. It sounds simple, but you just have to stop doing it. Anytime you feel like checking, tell yourself not to and do something else. Positive mental attitude!

23-09-15, 21:55

I've ended up covered in bruises because of how much prodding and poking and checking I do. Over and over I tell myself that self-checks are healthy and encouraged and important, just to justify the fact that every single time my hands aren't occupied when I'm alone, I'm groping at myself like a mad person.

It's still something I struggle with a lot, but mindfulness exercises, CBT skills, and distractions are all helpful in the war against the self-checking. Another thing that helps me is to schedule my self-checks - once a month or every two months, I'll mark a day on the calendar. If I get the urge to check myself before then, I tell myself that monthly/bi-monthly checks are recommended by all the medical literature, and get my hands busy doing something else.

When the day comes, I make sure I have plans to meet up with a trusted friend, and do the self-check no more than 30 minutes before I have to leave to meet them. This means that I won't spend hours poking at myself, and if I find anything scary then I have someone to talk to who will knock some sense into me.

23-09-15, 23:57
I've had lymphoma anxiety like mad recently, due to an enlarged spleen. Despite doctors reassurance and family reassurance, I kept searching for a lump, particularly in my neck that I was convinced one of the Doctors had missed.

At the end of July, I went away with family and one night I was literally in my hotel room until about 3 or 4 in the morning prodding and poking my neck. The soreness the next day was horrendous. Honestly, it was like I'd been involved in some kind of accident how painful my neck was.

I have good days and bad days (as I've discussed in this thread: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=173385 ) but when my anxiety is lower and I have some clarity, I realise how much I've actually abused myself this summer, physically and emotionally. I'm hoping one day I'll be clear of it totally and look back and laugh at how stupid I was.

The best thing to do is 100% leave it alone.

25-09-15, 15:43
oh I know just what you mean. I have spent hours doing it and it can make you very sore.

25-09-15, 20:21
I spend a lot of time poking my pain areas, it usually ends up making it worse. Thing is, how can i make myself stop? I am driving myself mad! I am always focused on the area and i can't stop! :(

25-09-15, 20:38
It's the big OCD component to Health Anxiety.

25-09-15, 21:02
You can always wear one of these :D


Positive thoughts

25-09-15, 21:46

25-09-15, 23:20
I`m in a constant fear of appendicitis and i poke my lower right half of the stomach to make sure that i don`t have the rebound pain. I do it very frequently and sometimes i have bruises and real pain which in fact comes from the poking but i convince myself that it`s in fact my appendix. It sucks