View Full Version : GAD, finding hope and living alone

23-09-15, 17:44
Hey everyone, having some issues dealing with my GAD and thought I'd get a thread going about it. I have posted a couple threads about intrusive thoughts under the OCD forum, etc.

Right now I am wondering about GAD, I have had HA on/off for 10 years, it always followed a pattern of flaring up (usually due to injury or something), then would slow down and I wouldn't worry too much for a while. This year it hit big time, then came intrusive thoughts and the anxiety got way worse. Definitely more general now, I mean I get anxious going to the store, anywhere really and even just doing stuff around the house/yard. I get anxious at work and being home alone. Unfortunately I live alone, so there's not a lot I can do about that one. I had family staying with me for 5 or 6 weeks when I was at my worse and gradually went down to one day a week. But there are times when I want someone there with me so badly it hurts. Everyday I am facing some level of anxiety and there are times I just want to cry, a lot.

I am in counseling once a week and have improved since the beginning. Even had a couple pretty good weeks but the last couple weeks I have had more anxiety and am feeling pretty discouraged. My counselor still wants me to work on accepting the anxiety and trying to do the things I'm afraid of. Of course he said if I'm too anxious to back off what I'm doing and work on calming myself.

Any words of wisdom, hope, encouragement for me? I could really use them right now. Thanks so much.

24-09-15, 15:17
Any thoughts anyone?

24-09-15, 15:29
Do what you can when you feel like you can cope and when you can't don't. My therapist has seen a big improvement in me since I've been doing this. CBT didn't work for me as it was too restrictive. Take each hour at a time , each day at a time. For a control freak like me it's really difficult but I'm trying really hard and its helping . I think !!!! I don't think I'll ever accept the anxiety and panic attacks but am learning to tolerate it

24-09-15, 19:38
a few months ago i quit work and stayed in the house 24/7 because of my anxiety. I lost my life and had loads of therapy. Im still not right but you have to push yourself just keep pushing set yourself some goals mine was get another Job and find myself a woman. ive been with my girlfriend for 3months now its so much better to live with someone living alone made me go crazy. i hope you find the will power.


24-09-15, 20:27
Hi Jade
So sorry that you are going through such a bad time.
I don't know your situation but, could you maybe find a housemate or rent out a room to a student...or some solution that could provide you company so that you don't feel lonely?
Remember that nothing in life is permanent and that the fact that you are feeling worse at the moment does not mean that you will be like this for ever. You won't. You will get better.
Have you read Claire Weekes books? Xx

24-09-15, 22:16
Thanks for the advice guys, I could ask family to stay with me again if all else fails but I don't want to go backwards if that makes sense? I've always been independent and used to love it, so this is the opposite of normal for me, probably why it's so hard.

I am trying to take it hour by hour, I am reading Claire Weekes books and trying to work on acceptance - just much easier said than done!

I know I can phone my friends when I really need help or calming down, so that helps. They just don't understand the anxiety part like us who have been through it. Thanks again.

24-09-15, 23:31
Hey everyone, having some issues dealing with my GAD and thought I'd get a thread going about it. I have posted a couple threads about intrusive thoughts under the OCD forum, etc.

Right now I am wondering about GAD, I have had HA on/off for 10 years, it always followed a pattern of flaring up (usually due to injury or something), then would slow down and I wouldn't worry too much for a while. This year it hit big time, then came intrusive thoughts and the anxiety got way worse. Definitely more general now, I mean I get anxious going to the store, anywhere really and even just doing stuff around the house/yard. I get anxious at work and being home alone. Unfortunately I live alone, so there's not a lot I can do about that one. I had family staying with me for 5 or 6 weeks when I was at my worse and gradually went down to one day a week. But there are times when I want someone there with me so badly it hurts. Everyday I am facing some level of anxiety and there are times I just want to cry, a lot.

I am in counseling once a week and have improved since the beginning. Even had a couple pretty good weeks but the last couple weeks I have had more anxiety and am feeling pretty discouraged. My counselor still wants me to work on accepting the anxiety and trying to do the things I'm afraid of. Of course he said if I'm too anxious to back off what I'm doing and work on calming myself.

Any words of wisdom, hope, encouragement for me? I could really use them right now. Thanks so much.

Acceptance is the key so listen to your counsellor.

25-09-15, 11:54
Hi Jadedreams, sorry to hear you are feeling lonely and frightened. Although I am lucky enough to have a partner, I hate the loneliness at 3am in the morning when I am up with palps and intrusive thoughts. I have never been a great reader, so at the grand age of 53 I am now forcing myself to read books, play Saga games on ipad, etc in order to distract my inner feelings. Sometimes it can be more effective that other times but I am so desperate to push these feelings out of my life I will do anything no matter how exhausted I am. I also try to box off the thoughts and put them up high on a shelf where no one can reach them. Sounds silly but sometimes this really can push the worry away. In the shower this morning I really did believe that this was the attack that was really going to get me, (as I feel with every attack) but as with all other episodes I came though it and I will come though future attacks, as will you. Good luck.