View Full Version : Unintended weight loss?

23-09-15, 20:40
Well, my latest attempt to prove to myself that everything is okay didn't quite work. I got a scale for the first time in years, thinking that I could reassure myself that I'm not losing crazy amounts of weight.

Monday, the scale read 228.
Tuesday, the scale read 225.
Today, the scale read 222.

I know that weight fluctuates day by day depending on what you eat/water weight/etc, but still, a steady downward trend like that is kind of unsettling.

And by 'kind of unsettling' I mean 'what the hell is wrong with me'.

I kept telling myself I didn't have The Scary Thing because I didn't have extreme weight loss, but that isn't working so well now.


23-09-15, 20:46
Was it the same time every day? Were you wearing the same thing every day?

23-09-15, 20:52
More or less the same time, and more or less the same clothes, yes.

23-09-15, 20:57
3 days isn't really enough time to measure a trend either way. Most likely somewhere around 222 is your "true" weight and Monday was actually a "heavy" day.

I don't know how much you spent on the scales either, but the calibration could be off or just not very good.

Don't weigh yourself every day. Try again in one week and see where you are. I wouldn't be concerned about this though.

23-09-15, 21:26
Thanks for the advice, I know it's definitely what I should be doing. The scale is definitely calibrated (tested it with some weights, it was only off by .1 lb) but I know there's plenty of other things that could be going on here.

I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to deal with some back pain (which my anxiety was leaving alone earlier, but is now screaming about even though I *know* it's just a messed up back...) so I'll weigh myself again before that and talk to my doctor about it if it's lower than it is now.