View Full Version : Back with new worry

23-09-15, 21:31
After over a year worry free I'm afraid my HA is back with a vengeance. After a lovely holiday I started to notice my leg twitching. I wasn't too concerned but it then moved to the other leg and both arms, shoulder and buttocks. Obviously I started to google and came to the diagnosis of MND. Since then my legs and arms have started to feel weaker . I'm really resisting going to Drs but can't see how anxiety can cause these symptoms. I know in the past all my worries were found less but I keep thinking this time it could be the real thing. Advice please :weep:

23-09-15, 21:50
1. Use a google-block add-on for your browser. Google is the mind-killer. Google is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

2. Anxiety DEFINITELY causes muscle twitches. See (http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/signs/muscle-spasms)?

3. Weakness is incredibly subjective. Your anxiety is telling you that you feel weak, and so you feel weak.

4. Advice: Take a long bath with epsom salts and eat some banana smoothies, as those can help with muscle tension and twitching. Engage any anxiety-fighting skills you have. (If you don't have any yet, pick up a copy of the Feeling Good workbook for some CBT skill-building.)

23-09-15, 22:00
Thanks for the reply scarethewolves. Have started everyday with magnesium tablets, Epsom salt baths and spray. Nothing helps. If I knew it was harmless I think I could cope but there is always the what if scenario. I wasn't anxious when the twitches started but am now!

23-09-15, 22:08
Okay. Imagine yourself walking down the street. Then zoom that image back until you can see the whole street: bustling, busy. Then zoom back again and get a helicopter image of the surrounding area: cars, people walking, the whole shebang.

Zoom back again. See the city itself, huge and sprawling, alive with people. No way you can see yourself now.

Zoom back again. All the suburbs around the city are there too, now.

Imagine many of those cities, those endless roads and all the people in them. You're one of them.

Every single one of those people has muscular twitches with 100% benign causes.

You are not special. You are not doomed, or living under a curse, or the subject of a TV movie. You're just you. You're just one of those people.

It's not 'what if'. If anything was wrong, there would be more symptoms. Muscle twitches are caused by thousands of things, and anxiety can continue them and make them worse.

Did you fly in a plane to get to and from your holiday? The air pressure and cramped seating can give me twitches.

Lots and lots of things can give you twitches.

You are ill with anxiety. That is the what if.

23-09-15, 22:18
Thank you! Yes I did fly and made myself Sick, literally , with worry on flight thinking it was going to crash ( terrible turbulence) twitches started next day and haven't stopped. Anxiety is horrible! I really appreciate your reply!

23-09-15, 22:38
Look into Benign Fasciculation Syndrome. I'm 99% certain that's what you have, or maybe just plain old bout of anxiety.

MND does NOT EVER present in the way you're describing.

02-12-15, 19:39
Dear all has anyone been prescribed Amitryptiline for headaches? Been on 20 mg a night for 2 months at night which has helped with sleep but not headaches. Has anyone had headache that had been helped by this and what dose? Also read article about Marine Krill helping reduce pain. Any one else taken these?