View Full Version : Hit my head and now I'm worried it's something more...

23-09-15, 23:39
Hi all! I've visited this site many times before, but never signed up for it. It has helped me in the past, so I figured I would join and begin contributing. So thank you in advance for any advice you have!

I've been driving myself crazy with this issue and figured I would reach out and ask for some advice on it.

So, this past Saturday night I was with some friends and drinking rather heavily. Not really a common occurrence for me, but we were having a good time. Anyway, my friend and I decided to take my boyfriend's riding lawn mower (which I think tops out at like 6 MPH) out for a spin at around 3 AM. She ended up driving and I was in the cart that attaches to the back sort of standing up but leaning forward with my hands on the back of the seat holding on for balance. Anyway, she made a sharp turn and I felt the cart beginning to pitch over to the right side and tried to lean the other way to counter balance it, but it did nothing and I fell out onto the very hard ground (not pavement, but really compacted backyard). I've been kicking myself because i'm Miss Responsible and never do stuff like that, so it's been extremely frustrating...

I fell so hard it knocked the wind out of me, and I don't remember how exactly I landed. I may not have even hit my head at all. But my right side of my neck was bothering me, and I just remember getting up on my hands and knees trying to breathe normally again and catch my breath. They got me up took me to sit down. I didn't loose consciousness as far as I know, but I felt pretty nauseous and just wanted to go to bed. Don't know if it was because I was just really, really drunk or what. They checked on me a few times throughout the night and I was OK.

Sunday morning my neck was sore and I felt like I had gotten hit by a truck. I was taking some ibuprofen and icing my neck, which seemed to help and that was about it. Even after it happened and all day on Sunday I never really had much of a headache. Mostly just my neck and body was sore. But throughout the day I would randomly feel dizzy and nauseous. I vomited in the morning after I made myself because I just felt really queasy. Again, not sure if it was from the fall or from being hungover...

I went to work on Monday, I'm an administrative assistant, and just really started to notice this feeling of pressure around the base of my skull, wrapping around my forehead and up the sides of my head. Again, no sharp headaches or anything like that, just a really strong feeling of pressure. That and occasionally when I was up walking around I would get a wave of dizziness. Tuesday after working all day and still feeling that way I decided to go to the ER for an exam. After looking me over, checking my eyes, my strength, coordination, etc. the doctors determined that I did not fall into the category of needing a CT scan. They said it wasn't worth the radiation exposure, and that if I had a bleed or tear or something in my brain that my symptoms would have been getting much worse and I would have been experiencing the worst headache of my life. They diagnosed me with a muscle strain and maybe having some slight post-concussive symptoms and told me to take it easy. They prescribed me 800mg of ibuprofen for the pain, and 2mg of Valium to use as a muscle relaxer.

It's now Thursday and I'm still feeling the pressure in my head. I went to get a massage today and that seemed to help a bit, but after coming home and taking a nap the pressure is back. Not as bad, I don't think? But it's still there. I'm worried that they missed something in the exam and that there's something silent going on in my brain that is just getting worse and worse without me knowing. I can only take the Valium at night because it makes me tired and I can't work with it (I've only been taking half a pill because it scares me to take more), so I don't know if it's just my tight muscles causing this, or what? I've felt queasy and randomly dizzy all afternoon, but I don't know if it's anxiety or from my head?

It's now about 88 hours after the incident and I'm getting on a plane on early Friday morning to go to the mountains for a long weekend, and I'm terrified that I'm going to get on the plane and something is going on in my head that I'm unaware of, and that the pressure means something more than just tension from the muscles.

I keep trying to tell myself that people roll their cars in accidents, get hit really hard during sporting events, and they walk away fine. But I guess I'm not convincing myself enough. I've been scaring myself like crazy the past few days (thanks Dr. Google), and just want some peace of mind.

Does anyone have any similar experiences or advice? I'm sorry for being so long winded, I just wanted to get all the details out there. I've been dealing with health anxiety for the past few years. i never really did much of anything other than suppress it for a while, and now it's come back with a vengeance. But I hate telling people that because I feel like they think my symptoms are from that and aren't really happening. But I have myself convinced that they are. And I don't know what is real or what is just a result of me being hypersensitive to every "off" feeling I have...

Thank you in advance!