View Full Version : Painful lump between jaw and neck

24-09-15, 02:39
So I have been having jaw pain for a few months now especially on my right side. I believed it to be my wisdom teeth and had those removed a month ago. However, the pain has continued and the dentist found nothing wrong with a checkup.

Recently (as in this week), while I was looking down with my chin to chest I scratched my chin and I felt a painful lump on my right side near my jaw closer to where my wisdom teeth were. Its about pea sized and quite painful/sore. It is also movable. However when I look straight or up I can no longer feel a bump but the pain remains. It feels like the lump is hiding in the hollow of my jaw when I look up.

My mind immediately goes to cancer even though most signs don't point to it. Anyone have an idea or similar experience they would like to share?

25-09-15, 00:38
Hi, I have had the same worry as you. I had problems with my wisdom teeth and since then I could feel what you're describing. It's sort of behind the curve of my jaw about an inch or two under my ear lobe. If I turn my neck one way I can feel it but when I relax I can't. It sometimes feels a bit sore and my ear hurts too. I have seen numerous docs over the past year and they say they either can't feel anything or that it's just a muscular part of my neck that gets a bit swollen sometimes. My GP said that if it was anything bad it would show up more and grow quickly. I am convinced now it is to do with my wisdom teeth problems ( I had them out but on the side of the 'lump' they had to leave the bottom half of the tooth in cos it is too close to the nerve)... I hope I haven't rambled on but I thought I would reassure you cos I was worrying so much for months that I had a serious illness!