View Full Version : frequent urination. can anyone give some advice?

24-09-15, 03:49
Hey I wonder if anyone else has this problem.
Whenever I feel anxious or on edge I tend to need to go to the toilet alot. Sometimes as much as every five minutes. I then get more worked up that I keel needing to go. And when I do go, its as if I haven't been in a long time and im literally bursting. It usually happens almost every night when im trying to sleep or about to get in bed (which is why im up now) . It usually goes away when I start to relax but im not sure how to relax :( does anyone have any advice or techniques that would help calm my bladder or infact just myself? It also happens in the daytime.

Also this has been going on for years. For as long as I can remember. But over the last few years it has got worse where it happens now pretty much everyday.

25-09-15, 09:15
Yep I have been there.

Firstly, you seem to have accepted that this is anxiety related. That's good. There are a whole bunch of reasons why our body makes us urinate when we perceive danger.

The strategy that worked for me was bladder retraining. Taking note of how many times a day I would urinate, say ten and then gradually try and wind that back over the course of a couple of months. A good strategy is to divide the amount of waking hours you have in any day and divide that by your first target number, which in this case would be nine. seven and under is normal, based on a fluid intake of two litre per day.

Allowances should be made for more activity in the morning, particularly if you drink coffee. the other thing that is helpful is to cut down on caffeinated or alcoholic drinks and replace these with water.

All the best. It can be done.

26-09-15, 04:10
Two other things:

Keep yourself occupied with work or play and keep your mind off your bladder.

Exercise is great as your body uses more fluid rather than excreting it. Plus it is great for anxiety as a whole.

26-09-15, 05:13
I find 2 Jack Daniels in he afternoon relaxes me enough to sleep through the night.
Before that I was up at the toilet 4 or 5 times a night.