View Full Version : Still Intense Anxiety

12-02-07, 00:33
Just wanted to know if it is also normal for symptoms to become severe and then subside a little? My lightheadness comes and goes, sometimes super bad and then I don't notice it all. I went to bed last night feeling pretty good and woke up this morning horrible again. Why can anxiety do this? I don't even know what I'm feeling anxious about. Please help.

12-02-07, 00:48
Hi Shelly
This is very normal to go to bed feeling good then upon waking to feel like crap again. As we wake up, in the first few split seconds before we even open our eyes, our brain tends to go back to the day before, how we were feeling, what was going on etc....a way i found to make waking a little easier, is 1. i have a relaxation cd on my bed cabinet, so as soon as i wake up, i reach over and turn it on and lay and listen to that, that way i am not focusing so much upon how i feel, and concentrating on the cd. I found the longer i lay in bed thinking about it the worse i feel when i get up.
At times you have no reason to feel anxious, and otehr times and more often that not, its memory on how you have been feeling or worrying if you are going to feel like that again. Once you start to recognise waht it is that is making you feel that way, try and rationalise it all, teling yourself you know what it is, accept it...float through it....and try and do what you want to do, the more time we sit and dwell on how we feel the worse it gets..
Anxiety is a hungry bluff...if we feed it our fearful thoughts it will remain and get worse, if we accept and let go it will basicaly get bored of us and eventually fall away until we no longer have it.
take care, you wil be fine :o)

12-02-07, 00:51
Thank you for your reply Prin, I appreciate it.

12-02-07, 00:59
god its the worst...im fine in evening, then next morning wham its back,
so i kind of get scared to go to bed as dont want the bad things to happen when i wake

12-02-07, 01:29
Your welcome Shelly..at times just a bit of reassurance can go a long way.

12-02-07, 04:49
Me too, feel almost normal in the evening, then there it is next morning, I just try to get on and do things, it has the odd flare up during the day, but generally gets better as the day goes on. Also worse on some days than others, had a bad week last week just before my period. Hanging out now till my sessions with the psychologist start on March 1st.

12-02-07, 05:17
Ive been on venlofaxine for 3 months and for the first time in this period ive woken up today and kinda gone ....huh.. another day....i feel so crappy..do i want to cry?...am i sick?...did i eat something bad?...did something upset me that i forgot about?... who died?... then i realised i forgot my pill the day before.

Its very werid not knowing why you have a bad anxious/down day i thinks its part of being human to try and figure everything out. At least the difference for those of us who have been properly diagnosed is now is i have the authority to say to myself "I SUFFER FROM ANXIETY I DONT NEED A REASON TO BE ANIOUS.. I JUST AM!" and after a while i stop trying to figure out why and just accept today IS going to be crappy. That way i can say to my husband " i can t discuss our finance, an issue, or future right now cus today is just a bad day"

This will probably make everyone laugh, but me and my hubby have 'code warnings' for how i am feeling. have you ever noticed that animals display their anxiety very clearly? .....eg if we are play fighting and i suddenly feel the need for space or i panic and get angry i say "my tail is up !" (cus thats what cats do when they feel anxious ...its a warning sign that a bite may be comming) so my husband knows, dont argue just back off or move away. this way we both end up laughing and my hubby doesnt get bitten or clawed!