View Full Version : Worried about getting a hernia

24-09-15, 12:09
Hi everyone. A few months ago I suffered a very painful groin strain (which at the time i feared to be a testicular torsion or osteomyelitis). My physio recommended I do certain stretches in order to strengthen the muscles and make it less likely to strain it again. For the first few weeks I did them, but for quite some time I have neglected them. Today I suddenly started getting some dull groin pain which is worse when I bend over - I think it may be related to my gym biking yesterday. I am worried that I have strained my groin again, and that I am therefore at an increased risk of getting a hernia - having had more than one strain. I am really hoping for some reassurance on this issue.
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier:).

24-09-15, 13:38
Oh I've been there....

i've been weight training for 13 years and in 2009 I started to feel a pain in my groin on the right side, and a kind of pressure feeling. I went and got an ultrasound and they said there was no hernia although it's a very common place for men to get them, and that I may have a muscle weakness there that may one day develop into a hernia... I was CONVINCED I was about to get one, however after taking it easy a bit in the gym for a while and also avoiding exercises that seemed to aggravate the area, 6 years on, still no hernia. I occasionally get the pain there but it's in no way gotten worse or developed further so, just be careful and follow the general advise for hernia avoidance, such as lifting things properly etc... you should be ok :)