View Full Version : Why Do I Feel So Bad.. Heart Problems?

12-02-07, 03:13
I have been getting better and venturing out being with our dogs and just got a horse..But have also been laying in bed more than usual..The weather has been warming up here in the 40's during the day and 20s at night and the snow is melting..So actually no matter how the weather changes it seems to affect me one way or the other...For the last few days I have laid in bed a lot because when I get up for any length of time i get exhaused and my heart seems to beat hard..We have been eating alot of spicy foods and using a lot of garlic for about four days we have been eating this kind of food and it gives me lots of gas and causes my heart to skip alot or feel that way .. Too as everyone that reads my post on here knows that i hear my heartbeat.. When I get up to do much at all it seems that my heart is beating hard not fast and i get out of breath. I also seem to get a headache and have chest pains not in any one location on the chest just across it..But things just havent seem like it feels right..Maybe its from laying around to much or maybe i have something really wrong with my heart.I have a nurse friend in the back that just keeps telling me its inactivity and anxiety ,its just so hard for me to believe because I dont feel anxious..She said that sometimes people don't know that they are anxious .. this whole thing is weird and just makes me worry maybe they missed a heart issue..The symptoms seem sporatic..if there was a problem wouldnt they be consistant? the only thing that really does bother me is when i get up for long periods of time i get really tired and have to go lay down..Is this anxiety and im just giving into it? Somedays I feel almost normal but the last three days i havent .because of the gas pushing underneath my heart makes me worry and seems to make me tired..I dont know maybe its my imagination...could this still all be anxiety ?


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

12-02-07, 04:12
We wern't made to lie down all day, your nurse friend is probably right, I feel wierd if I don't do anything for a while, it's hard to get back into being active. Get yourself checked out properly, it could well be all anxiety, once you know that, it will be easier to get moving.

15-02-07, 11:13
I know exactly how u are feeling. Its horrible!!!!! I could not even get up the stairs without my heart beating so hard and fast. Then i would get loads of palpatations when i tried to walk. But its all in the mind my doc would say and it didnt help me at all. I am taking Mirtazapine(zispin) at the moment but it just makes me put on weight, although it has helped. Doc nowwants me to take 20mg Citalopram aswell. I ma not sure about taking all of this? What tablets are you taking? I really feel for you but this will phase will pass.
take care

x soggypops x