View Full Version : Do the odd obsessive thoughts ever stop?

24-09-15, 14:50

I Haven't posted in a while and I've been trying to stay away from the internet when it comes to anxiety as much as I can but I want to know if the odd thoughts that my mind focuses on a lot of the time will ever just stop. I definitely know that these stemmed from anxiety but my thoughts that I dwell on are odd. For example, recently it's like I'm thinking too much about my sexuality and who I am attracted to like I've feared that I could be attracted to my brother (but I know it's not true), I've feared I may be gay/bi and now I fear that I'm not attracted to anyone so I'll never experience anything and grow up alone etc. I know it sounds stupid but these thoughts just don't leave. Don't get me wrong, I've started sixth form and there my mind is occupied so I don't think about any of this but when I come home I automatically remind myself of the thoughts.

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows a technique to stop these thoughts from occurring or if they do stop at all. Probably when I stop dwelling on these thought I have at the moment, I'll think of something else odd to focus on. i just want to break the cycle of it already! Please can you give me any advice, Itd be muchly appreciated :)

25-09-15, 14:44
I think the way to bring about their departure is to learn to not place any significance on them. You obviously sound quite freaked out by them and notice greatly their appearance and how odd you think they are. That makes them significant to you so you notice them more and as a consequence of this importance you've given to them you keep hold of them longer too. It's all about "these thoughts"!

But at the end of the day these thoughts are just doubts and "what ifs" that are bothering you. You feel because you have them they have some significance or meaning, otherwise you would forget them as easily as the mundane suggestion " what if I dropped my pen".

I think you can get into the habit of looking for these significant suggestions and you usually find what you're looking for.
If you know they bother you and the subject seems weird and might have a bit of disturbing meaning to you that you don't like then you become vigilant for them and look out for them.

Well you don't look out for the suggestion "what if I dropped my pen".

Just because these suggestions pop into your head it doesn't mean they mean anything or have any significance. I can still have them but whereas at one time I was disturbed by them because I was filled with anxiety and self doubt and maybe feared a loss of control magnified by doubt, now I don't believe for a second they're anymore than a fleeting thought about basically nonsense. One of a million nonsense thoughts I can and do have every week.

Desensitise yourself to them maybe. Bombard yourself with them until you see
1. You create them
2. They're just ideas and mean nothing.

But for sure don't give them any more significance or meaning than any other simple idea or suggestion. Don't let doubt spook you. Learn to recognise the doubt at play.