View Full Version : Is it Just me

24-09-15, 22:14
Hello Guys and Girls,

Been really quite recently as I have been feeling alot better though good old anxiety has came back with vengeance.

Just a quick question: I had a random panic attack in my house the other day there and for some reason thought I was totally loosing my marbles and started running about my house flapping going omg omg. Not the best experience I have had.

Am I just a total weirdo or has anyone experienced anything similar.

Hope you are all well.


25-09-15, 02:59
Definitely experienced this before. There have been some bad attacks where I feel like they'll never stop and my adrenaline goes WAY up. Which in turn leads me to shaking and saying "omg omg" and it's crazy to think about after but in the moment we're just so scared we do crazy things like "flap around like idiots" haha

25-09-15, 08:31
Yeah I have "flapped" and paced the floor too. Also felt like destroying the room I was in. As tabbycap says I think it's just an overload of adrenaline we have no other release for. Not pleasant at the time. :hugs:

25-09-15, 12:20
Yeah I've had ones like that. I've ran about my flat screaming "Omg I am dying! Get me an ambulance!" and shaking my boyfriend to show him I am 'dying' but each time its just been a panic attack. I find it hard to keep still when I get one like that so I run up and down my flat and fidget. I rarely get them like that now but had a good few like that when I took a breakdown over the summer. Thankfully my bf can always calm me back down from that state and doesn't judge me for acting like that. A few hours later once I feel better, we laugh about it but at the time its no laughing matter, least not for me.

25-09-15, 16:13
Im so glad im not the only one.. I thought i was a total weirdo - Gingerfish I used to do that when i was with my ex the whole im dying episodes. It just so bloody annoying because It just came on totally randomly, I don't even think I was panicking about anything.

25-09-15, 19:11
oh yes deffenetly
