View Full Version : Brain tumor fears.

25-09-15, 02:55
I know its a common fear, but I am terrified that I have have a brain tumor. I have been suffering from some pretty serious anxiety lately, and have noticed what looks like a blind spot in my left eye. I've also been forgetting things a lot more recently. I cant seem to shake the fear. I've had no other symptoms. Just the vision problems and forgetfullness. You guys think Ishould should be wkrried?

25-09-15, 08:16
My fear is my heart, I've learnt that the more I look for symptoms then the more I'll convince myself I've found them. I read an analogy that I always remember, if someone mentions headlice, you scratch your head or your head feels itchy, even though you know you haven't got headlice.
Book an eye test, they are so advanced now and may help settle your fears.

25-09-15, 08:40
I had an eye test done in February. I'm afraid to keep bothering them. Im also worried about my heart, but thats a whole different story. Just kinda feels like ive been looking at a light for too long, or maybe I'm going crosseyed. I dunno.

26-09-15, 02:08
I too suffer from this, I will worry so intently that I will get an intense headache (most likely from being so tense and clenching my jaw so tightly). Recently I had 2 episodes, 3 days apart where I lost my peripheral vision. The first day I lost it in my left eyes, the second episode it was my right. But it all turned out to be related to the migraine that I was also suffering from. Since I am so tense ALL the time, I get a lot of headaches... Which of course, in my mind, must mean that I have a malignant, inoperable brain tumor. I also have trouble with my memory, some days it seems worse than others... I also worry about my heart. I have known 2 people personally with brain tumors, and their symptoms were MUCH more severe and worsened VERY quickly. Although that fact is not enough to stop me from worrying, it does help since my "symptoms" have been the same for 2 years.