View Full Version : Shared accomodation

25-09-15, 22:34
At the moment I am looking for accomodation close to the unversity where I will be studying. Because I have left it late to look for accomoation, the only places left are mostlyshared accommodation.

I have never lived in shared accomodation with anyone apart from my family before and I am wondering if the fact that I have ocd might cause any problems. I have issues whereby I sometimes spend a long time in the bathroom and I am wondering if this might cause a problem if there is only one bathroom in the house. If I spend too long in the bathroom this might annoy the other people living there.

As a result of this I am wondering if it would be better for me to live in self contained accommodation such as a flat where I will not have to share the faciities with other people. The problem is there are not many places like that in the area I am looking in. Some of the houses that I have seen do have two bathrooms in them and I am wondering if it might be a
good idea to go for one of those, so that it wont cause any problems if I am in the bathroom for too long.

Has anyone got any experience of living in shared accomodation and has your ocd in any way caused any
problems with the other people you lived with?

26-09-15, 05:20
I can't help with the rest but I would say be careful with the tenancy agreement if it covers electric & gas. You all become equally liable to the supplier so if other tenants leg it and leave the bill in your hands, your supplier is legally allowed to chase you for the whole lot and the rest becomes a "third party dispute" between the tenants. It really does come down to how nice the people you are dealing with are because they can chase the others and mess around with creating individual debts on an equal share basis for the other tenants but until you actually get into a court, they are not obliged to. So, be careful when it comes to the bills if you share on this type of agreement and make sure ALL tenants names are reflected on the bill as one trick of a dodgy tenant is to put someone on knowing they will get all the debt chasing in later defaults. If that happens, the supplier will change it based on a copy of the tenancy agreement.

Another dirty trick is for a tenant to say they will manage the bills, collect the money and never pay it on. So, check the account to make sure it reflecting the payments.

I've dealt with many such cases in the past and they are messy. Suppliers are more likely to not want to help and leave the problem at your door until a court forces a change.