View Full Version : Going on Holiday on Monday!!

25-09-15, 23:57
Im going away on Monday and I'm excited, but also extremely nervous. Its the first time Ive been away for 13 years. Im going on the Eurostar to paris and just wondered if anyone has any advice. Im also worried I will end up ruining my friends holiday.

26-09-15, 08:05
My advice would be to do some eft. Go to youtube and look up eft for anxiety. It looks silly but is effective. It is really easy to learn and then you can just take it with you. Have a lovely time, very jealous xx

27-09-15, 01:35
Ive just had a massive panic attack and can't stop crying. I really am worried I'm going to feel like this for the whole week and ruin my friends holiday and my own..

27-09-15, 01:52
Have had any help from our gp with meds?

I was given propanalol, which stops adrenaline, and helps the panic attack starting.
Also a short (very short) course of Valium might help you relax into the holiday

Download relaxation CDs into your phone and listen to them. And practice deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. X

27-09-15, 02:16
I meant to ask my doctor if he could prescribe me some diazepam before I left to help if I felt really bad or needed help sleeping but I didn't and now its too late. Does anyone know of any over the counter products that can be taken with citalopram and could help me sleep or relax?

27-09-15, 07:22
Hi I am going on holiday tomorrow too and very anxious about it. I get like this every time I go on a holiday but always enjoy it when I get there and I am sure you will do. Get some rescue remedy and take that...you can buy it in most chemists. It is a natural remedy and safe to take with other meds.

27-09-15, 15:26
My anxiety is really high today. I'm really nervous for tomorrow but I'm just praying that it's going to be okay.

27-09-15, 15:33
You could try nytol. The sedating one. Not the herbal one.
It is a. Sedating antihistamine. Which will relax you. But I'm not sure about taking it with CIT.
You can ask any chemist or Google it.
Also you could take one tonight to help you get a good night sleep x

27-09-15, 15:50
We can do this Oscar! I am sure Tuesday morning when we have reached our destinations we will be wondering what we were getting so anxious about.

27-09-15, 16:26
I really hope so. Right now I have all the familiar cold shakes and fidgety-not being able to concentrate feelings.

27-09-15, 19:53
You'll be fine, it going to do you so much good!

27-09-15, 22:52
I'm feeling a bit better now. Which is good. I hope no one minds but I will probably use nmp while away if I feel bad, rather than ruin my friends holiday.

28-09-15, 18:25
Well I'm here. I had no real anxiety at all during travel, which I'm very happy about. Ive been up since 5 so I've had a nap and some lunch. My friend slept for 4 hours and I felt a bit anxious while she was sleeping as I couldn't really do anything. But feeling a bit better now.

28-09-15, 19:21
Well done! Enjoy your holiday now :)

28-09-15, 19:34
All these people going on holiday and i can't walk across the road on my own lol:)

eternally optimistic
28-09-15, 19:48
You made it there pretty much in tact. well done... That is to be celebrated.

Deep breath and enjoy.

Ive used NMP while away on holiday, its always useful.

Have fun.

01-10-15, 09:37
Okay guys. Today I feel quite anxious. We are travelling from Brussels to Paris and my anxiety is higher than its been since we got here. I know I will be fine, could just really use some words of encouragement.