View Full Version : New here and need words of encouragement

26-09-15, 01:16
Hello all!

I've been creeping around the internet, looking for anyone who feels the same way I do, lucky for me I ended up here. I have always had mild anxiety, but ever since I had my son 4 1/2 years ago, it went from mild to severe. My panic attacks used to be triggered by my son getting sick, even if it was just a little cold I would be an anxious mess, it was awful! That has subsided some, now that he has had several illnesses and survived all of them. Now my triggers are revolving around my own health. Now, let me just say that I am NOT an unhealthy person, I do have some allergies to certain medications and am sensitive to others, but all in all I think my health is good... That's the reality... But what my anxiety keeps telling me is that I am very unhealthy and just eaten up with every type of cancer known to man, and maybe some that have yet to be discovered. It's not just cancer either, I panic about taking meds, always thinking that I'm going to have an anaphylactic reaction to it, even if it's just aspirin! Some days I am afraid to go outside, because I may get stung by a bee and die from an allergic reaction! The last couple of years it has gotten worse and worse, now I am starting to feel depressed because all I do it worry about my health. On top of worrying about my health, I am constantly worried about dying and leaving my son motherless, which certainly goes hand in hand with worrying about my health.

I don't want to become agoraphobic because I am convinced that I'm gonna die in a fiery car crash every time I leave my house. I want to live my life and feel happy again. I don't want to live my life every single day thinking that every single ache and pain is going to literally be the death of me. I don't want my son to grow up thinking that his mom is "crazy", or "weird" or just in a constant state of panic. Although I know that they might help, I do not want to go on prescription medication for my anxiety. For one thing, I try not to put a lot of chemicals in my body (probably because I think they'll give me cancer) and one of my triggers is taking medications!

I just need to hear words of encouragement from other people who understand how I feel! I think it is time to finally to speak to a professional about these issues too.

26-09-15, 03:48
I am like you in the same boat. I've finally reached a point where I believe I need extra help. I started medication last week and so far, no major side effects.

I don't want to be on medication. I also don't want to be worried 24/7. I feel like medication is necessary to get me back to a state where my mind and body need to be.

I lost my mother and I believe that is where my health anxiety spiraled. My bereavement counselor has been such help to me, she always recommended books, recordings, natural supplements that seem to offer mild help but only for a little while. I have recognized that I needed more help as it was turning into a depression and it was affecting my daily life.

I encourage you to talk to a therapist or someone of that sort. They will offer you help and guide you into the right direction. Best of luck to you!

26-09-15, 07:54
Hi there
I am the same too. I could have almost writen that myself. With the only difference that my daughter was born with congenital heart disease and I am not healthy at the moment.
Since I refuse to take meds, I am using natural remedies like Magnesium and valerian root xx

26-09-15, 08:38
I am like you in the same boat. I've finally reached a point where I believe I need extra help. I started medication last week and so far, no major side effects.

I don't want to be on medication. I also don't want to be worried 24/7. I feel like medication is necessary to get me back to a state where my mind and body need to be.

I lost my mother and I believe that is where my health anxiety spiraled. My bereavement counselor has been such help to me, she always recommended books, recordings, natural supplements that seem to offer mild help but only for a little while. I have recognized that I needed more help as it was turning into a depression and it was affecting my daily life.

I encourage you to talk to a therapist or someone of that sort. They will offer you help and guide you into the right direction. Best of luck to you!

I just welcomed and replied to you on your opening thread Jenni not seeing this post.
Bereavement has a huge effect on nearly all of us and all I can say is regardless what help you may seek, grieve, cry as much as you like and never ever feel ashamed.

26-09-15, 10:37
Hi all

I could have written this also I have 4 kids mainly grown up 24,22,20,14 I worry non stop about them all my 14 year old my son has Autism I am his main carer what would he do without me? My 22 year old daughter is depressed and on medication after the sudden loss of my mother her mamar nearly 7 years ago this is where it all started for me too

My fear is my heart and leaving this world and my kids the way my mam did suddenly with no warning even though what did take my mams life was caused by an infection I am told by the doctors it doesn't stop me thinking I am next she was only 62 I am currently 42 so I keep thinking I want the 20 years I have left to be good

I have chronic nerve pain in my back shoulders and arms which is causing chest symptoms the inner buzz is back I ache my hands tingle and I convince myself it's a circulation problem that the doctors are not seeing so very unhappy at the minute been high panicky for a week now and although I can pinpoint what caused this set back I can't climb out of it

Feel so alone

27-09-15, 04:12
It makes me feel better knowing that I am not all alone in the way that I am feeling, but it makes me sad that others are going through life feeling the same way that I do. I wish that I could hug all of you and that we could all just overcome these feelings. Today I may worry about one thing, tomorrow it'll be another. I just want to go one day, worry-free, it would give me more hope for my future. Honestly, what I fear the most is that I may never be able to overcome my anxiety, or worse, it will get worse as I get older.:weep: