View Full Version : Been ha free all year now mouth worries.

26-09-15, 05:29
I have been brilliant this year in regards to my health anxiety, I haven't posted about myself since last December, which is excellent for me :)
Untill now :(

For about a week now I have had what I can only describe as an open sore behind my upper left teeth, it's right where the teeth meet the gum and is about 1cm long, irregular shape, yellowy pink in colour with a red border. It is flat and has never had an ulcer inside. This is all behind one tooth, then further towards the back of my mouth, I have 2 tiny dots the same colour. They are really sore and look quite raw. They don't bleed when brushed or touched,
Tbh I have thought nothing of it untill yesterday. I don't know why but I got a sudden urge to google, and couldn't stop.
On top of that, when I was lying in bed, propped up on my left arm, head leaning on hand, I can feel what I assume to be lymph nodes in along jawline, these are very sore on the left side also, out can't be because I have been prodding them, because I didn't locate them untill last night, I can feel some of the right side but not as big and they don't hurt.
I have been up since 4.30 as when I get these HA worries, I can't sleep :(
I also have its which plays up a lot lot during my ha flare ups.
I'm scared I have oral cancer. I'm 32 years old and petrified :(

26-09-15, 07:37
I too am really finding it difficult to keep my HA under control, and mouth cancer is one of my regulars. I believe the rule of thumb is an open sore that has been there for longer than two weeks should be checked. Why do we automatically jump to such a horrible and irrational conclusion!!!??? Do you remember eating anything that may have irritated it, or brushed too hard, eaten anything acidic? Maybe do some warmest water rinses to help the healing process along.