View Full Version : Chest pain heart lung or anxiety

26-09-15, 07:46
m a 33 year old male i suffer from panic attacks and anxiety about a month ago i went to the ec for stabbing chest pain got ekg xray cat scan and stress chest everything normal lately (4days)ive been having dull pain left chest and once a squeezing sensation over my heart with no pain anyone have any idea what this might be. Should be concerned since my test came back normal or could it be me just panicing bp usually 121/73

26-09-15, 08:59
m a 33 year old male i suffer from panic attacks and anxiety about a month ago i went to the ec for stabbing chest pain got ekg xray cat scan and stress chest everything normal lately (4days)ive been having dull pain left chest and once a squeezing sensation over my heart with no pain anyone have any idea what this might be. Should be concerned since my test came back normal or could it be me just panicing bp usually 121/73

I would sayy our last sentence sums it up,classic anxiety syndromme.

So many of us that actually have the courage to fgo to the doctors, get reassuance that nothing is a miss and then a few hours later we start to think, did the doctor make a mistake, I am sure he/she is wrong and the anxiety builds up again.It's a viscious circle.I bet loads of people on here would back that up.