View Full Version : Holiday Anxieties (again!)

26-09-15, 17:52
I am going on holiday to Italy on Monday and once again you would think I was going to face a firing squad by how I feel. The past few years I have had the same feeling and I always say I will NEVER put myself through this again but here I am putting myself through it again.
So Why do I put myself through it...because I Always enjoy the holiday and forget how bad the weeks leading up to it were!!

At the moment I just feel like curling up in bed and hiding but I will get on the plane and go on holiday. I just wish I could get excited about it :doh:

I try to do all the things I would tell others to do but I am really having trouble convincing myself. I will feel the fear and do it anyway but to be honest I am sick and tired of feeling the fear.

Tummy is churning today and I feel so scared. I have a good book to take, music and I will take some diazepam with me in case of emergency :)

I just hate anticipatory anxiety :(

26-09-15, 20:01
Hi, yes anticipatory anxiety is a drag.
If you go on Youtube and put eft for anxiety and follow it...it looks quite silly but it really does help and it's easy peasy to learn so you'll have the knowledge for your hols.
Enjoy, I love love Italy

26-09-15, 20:13
I am sitting here thinking "This is my last night at home" instead of "wow I'm going on holiday!"
I am ok with places I have been before so it is really fear of the unknown. I have been to Italy before but this will be my first visit to Naples and Sorrento.

26-09-15, 20:34
Hi Annie,
Anticipatory anxiety is awful. I really understand.
You have always given really good advice on here to others, and you know what you would say.
Stop the negative thoughts. Block them. Replace them with happy positive ones.
Practice deep breathing.
Muscle relaxing
Listen to relaxation CDs.
And as you always have Valium which you know works ( if you need it)
So all areas are covered and you will be fine!

Perhaps you could read back some of your old posts where you and a fabulous time (after the pre holiday anxiety)
Some times we need reminding what a waste of time worrying is?:rolleyes:
But more importantly, what joy and wonderful memories will be made on this holiday!!

You've been on holiday before loads of times successfully, you will this time too.
I have NO doubt.

You are so fortunate to have these lovely times to look forward too. You deserve it.
Enjoy xx

26-09-15, 20:51
Thank you Dally...I have downloaded relaxation music, got some sheets of mindfullness colouring pages and a good book so hopefully I will relax on the journey. The check in queues worry me...I hate queues and airports have lots of them.

26-09-15, 23:50
Hi Annie, I get the same way before a holiday. I've also said before that I wonder if it's excitement but because the symptoms of excitement are very similar to anxiety my mind is misinterpreting the feelings? If that makes sense. So, maybe that's the same for you? I agree with everyone's fantastic advice above. And, remind yourself that once you're there these feelings will subside and you'll have a great time :).

27-09-15, 07:32
Thank you for your reply Leah. I have woke up this morning feeling worse. I don't think it is excitement because I would feel happier. When I first book the holiday I am excited about it but the week before the holiday the anxiety kicks in.

27-09-15, 10:04

27-09-15, 10:23
I think it makes a big difference wanting to go though, Annie. You will fight through the anxiety, like you have before, and you know once you get going that it will decrease and turn to excitement. It's one of my pet hates, how you can do things over & over yet anxiety still occurs until you are exposed to the actual event...it's a very annoying aspect of GAD and hard to get past I reckon (I haven't found a way yet!)

I guess at the moment it's worth trying to distract yourself and keep busy so there is less time to let your mind think about things.

I hope you have a lovely holiday. :hugs:

27-09-15, 11:38
Thank you Magic and Terry. I was just saying to my husband that I think I have got so used to high anxiety before a holiday that I now expect it to happen so because I expect it to happen it does.
Yes doing all I can to distract me. This time tomorrow I will be in Italy :scared15:

blue moon
27-09-15, 11:46
You have a safe and lovely time in Italy Annie and soak up some sun,
Enjoy you will love it.

Petra x:D

27-09-15, 11:47
Yes, thats a definite possibility. But you can retrain it to not happen, it's just very hard dismantling these "core beliefs". It will always mean repetition too and it's not really very easy with holidays unless you can find other events to tie it in with that you can work on more often.

The first time I went through this I had the same going on holiday. I hadn't been for a few years and I was pretty anxious leading up to it. After an hour or so on motorway I was getting more relaxed and into it. I had a good week and was fine. I even drank alcohol nightly (whilst on Citalopram, but GP agreed moderate drinking 0 which I didn't stick to :D) with no problems. It was a great time. On the last day I started to panic walking around the town with a load of heavy bags. I didn't really know what was happening and I was like that most of the way back and that night.

Sometimes I think it's a fear of change in routines that we get too used to. I know I have this type of problem so that I can be struggling with the change to something and then back to it. I had this leaving the house and then coming back for a long time. :doh:

27-09-15, 12:03
Thank you Petra, I really need some sunshine!

Terry you are right about change and I have never liked change, I like my routine. My Mother is the same and I think it is probably learned behaviour. My memories of going on holiday as a child were the journey (usually to a camp site in Scotland or the Lake District) and my Mother constantly saying to my dad "We did lock the door didn't we" "I can't remember if I switched the oven off" "Did you pack...?" I might have forgotten..."

I don't get like that but maybe this has instilled in me that a holiday journey is a stressful event even though I have had many unstressful journeys since.

27-09-15, 12:22
I'm the same, Annie. My parents like things to go how they expect them to. My mum is someone who will pack extra things just in case even though you won't need them so she instilled that into me. Whilst that was never a problem for me, it has meant more safety behaviours when the anxiety hit e.g. carrying not one but two asthma inhalers "just in case" :doh: That's might fault though, not theirs, it was my unhealthy anxiety thinking that latched onto something that was normal for them & me before.

My dad is someone who double checks locks, doors, the oven knobs, etc. There is no anxiety involved for him, it's just habit. So, I picked some of that up as a child and then when the OCD came it meant intensifying such things much further.

I am more a routine person. I tend to run a lot of my life by them. The daft thing is, I worked in a change management role for years! :doh: I did get much more open to change and enjoy it but the more you back away from such things, the more you lose those healthy outlooks as the anxiety takes over. I have gained some of that back but it needs a lot more work. This is why the Mindfulness route is good for me as it's very big on "disengaging the autopilot". Thats an early lesson in the courses.

27-09-15, 12:36
My parents are very much routine people, My Mam has always cooked the same meal on the same night of each day of the week; I still remember what I had for dinner each night of the week as a child :) For me it is what I can be bothered cook on that day :D
I am trying to calm myself down, looking at sunny pictures of Sorrento and thinking about how much I am going to enjoy it. I just need that Star Trek thing...BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE then I will be there without the hassle :D

28-09-15, 06:26
My mum is the same, Annie. Meals tend to be calendar based!

Have a great holiday and I hope your anxiety calms down today.

28-09-15, 14:38
Well I made it here!! I am now in Naples. Going to rest in the hotel today as the anxiety has worn me out. Just had a nice relaxing massage :)

eternally optimistic
28-09-15, 19:51
Fabulous Annie, well done.

Have a fantastic time.

You made it, that is very important to remind yourself of that and,
pat yourself on the back.

Although, you've had a massage, so sounds like that job has been done.

28-09-15, 20:03
Have a good holiday, Annie! Wind down in Italian style!

28-09-15, 20:15
Fabulous Annie, well done.

Have a fantastic time.

You made it, that is very important to remind yourself of that and,
pat yourself on the back.

Although, you've had a massage, so sounds like that job has been done.
Thank you :)

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Have a good holiday, Annie! Wind down in Italian style!

Thank you...I feel quite relaxed tonight. I wish I didn't get so anxious every time I go somewhere! Going on a sightseeing tour of Naples tomorrow :)

28-09-15, 21:12
Hi Annie, that's excellent that you're there. It sounds amazing!! Have a wonderful time. :yesyes:

28-09-15, 21:47
Thank you Leah :)

eternally optimistic
28-09-15, 22:01
That sounds wonderful.

I am googing holidays now...

I spent years not travelling due to my anxiety but I am determined to make it
keep happening, even if I have to take diazepam for the plane.

Have fun.

28-09-15, 22:09
Well I made it here!! I am now in Naples. Going to rest in the hotel today as the anxiety has worn me out. Just had a nice relaxing massage :)
Ciao bella, come stai?

29-09-15, 07:57
Ciao bella, come stai?

Bene grazie

---------- Post added at 06:57 ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 ----------

That sounds wonderful.

I am googing holidays now...

I spent years not travelling due to my anxiety but I am determined to make it
keep happening, even if I have to take diazepam for the plane.

Have fun.
yes do that...just feel the fear and do it :)

29-09-15, 09:53
So pleased for you Annie. Have a wonderful time :shades:

29-09-15, 17:22
Had a day out sightseeing in Naples. Pleased to be back at the hotel. Too busy and noisy for me and made me anxious. I also have a terrible headache so going to try to relax this evening.