View Full Version : To be blunt, I am in a serious panic over bowel cancer at the moment.

26-09-15, 19:55
Posted before about this a few times but today has just been really bad. On and off stomach pain/discomfort for nearly 7 weeks now, but the last few days has been really bad. The pain has increased loads and it's almost all day long. Been to the doctor who has ordered blood tests, stool sample etc etc... but I am just in such a worry over it being something serious like bowel cancer. The pain really is horrible, mainly around the belly button area and lower, seems to be more on the right hand side but it moves around my entire bowel area. LOADS of gurgling as well that I can not only hear but FEEL, that kind of comes hand in hand when the pain comes....

I feel so worried about it today just because it's been hurting for so long now and the last few days has actually gotten WORSE :( :(

Also the pain seems to be much worse when I'm standing up and walking around, and actually sometimes goes away completely when I sit down. It's not a hernia or anything though as I can feel it's definitely a bowel/colic kind of pain.

26-09-15, 20:16
My doctor once told me that the pain is one of the last symptoms you get for something serious like bowel cancer so it sounds to me like it is probably something much more simple like trapped wind associated with ibs. Have you had regular bowel movements?

26-09-15, 20:29
That's the weird thing, I actually have. Without giving too much information (lol), I go pretty much regularly every morning. Occasionally it's a bit loose but that's kind of normal for me. 7 weeks though... that is a long time to basically be having stomach aches EVERY DAY.

I feel like I have trapped wind, that's part of the time the kind of pain it is, but nothing ever comes out. But surely if I had trapped wind for 7 weeks, wouldn't I have exploded by now? Lol

26-09-15, 20:47
I get pain with ibs most days. Ibs causes pockets of gas..when you have a bowel movement it will release some of it but there will still be more pockets forming. Best to have it checked out to see if there are any other problems (not serious).

26-09-15, 21:03
I get pain with ibs most days. Ibs causes pockets of gas..when you have a bowel movement it will release some of it but there will still be more pockets forming. Best to have it checked out to see if there are any other problems (not serious).

Can you describe the kind of pain you get?

Mine is quite low in the bowel area... just feels how I've felt in the past when I've had a stomach upset, but this has been for weeks now. I am just so worried at the moment that it's something serious :(

26-09-15, 21:08
Mine is similar to yours. Having a soak in the bath sometimes relieves it. I have had just about every test there is and was diagnosed with ibs. Good that your doctor is having tests done.

26-09-15, 21:11
Mine is similar to yours. Having a soak in the bath sometimes relieves it. I have had just about every test there is and was diagnosed with ibs. Good that your doctor is having tests done.

How often in the day do you get it? Sorry to keep asking questions....

26-09-15, 22:03
I don't think I ever have a full day without some sort of tummy pain and some days are worse then others. The trouble is the more anxious you get about it the worse it gets. I know it is not easy but try not to worry about it. You should have test results soon which will put your mind at rest.

26-09-15, 22:44
I looked back and you've really been in a spiral the last 6 months. Skin cancer, stomach cancer, in between other fears and now bowel cancer. Nothing thus far has proven to be the case. Anxiety causes real physical symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) of which all can and are attributed to anxiety.

Are you getting help for your anxiety? Treat the source and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

26-09-15, 22:50
Gurgling has nothing do with bowel cancer a ex work colleague had bowel cancer I get gurgling all the time after I eaten something then I get wind that bad I can blow a door open

26-09-15, 23:09
Gurgling has nothing do with bowel cancer a ex work colleague had bowel cancer I get gurgling all the time after I eaten something then I get wind that bad I can blow a door open

The thing is I have the gurgling but no wind :/

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

I looked back and you've really been in a spiral the last 6 months. Skin cancer, stomach cancer, in between other fears and now bowel cancer. Nothing thus far has proven to be the case. Anxiety causes real physical symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) of which all can and are attributed to anxiety.

Are you getting help for your anxiety? Treat the source and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

I know and I hear you but this is genuine daily PAIN... much much worse over the last 3 days. I put off going to the doctor this time for over 6 weeks, and only just went the other day after the pain got worse.

I'm actively trying to help my anxiety and have been having counselling sessions since January. To be honest the real anxiety over this current problem has only started over the last few days because of the pain increase.

27-09-15, 00:27
I know and I hear you but this is genuine daily PAIN... much much worse over the last 3 days. I put off going to the doctor this time for over 6 weeks, and only just went the other day after the pain got worse.

And what did the doctor say?

Positive thoughts

27-09-15, 10:43
right i might sound harsh here but i dont mean to be so i apologise i will try and cover everything but you wont have bowel cancer its most likley ibs because that gurgling feeling is basicly spams thats what ibs does it makes your bowel contract resulting in cramps tightness and pain i curled up on the floor a few times due to it when people say they get red bits when wiping thats nothing happens to me because i wipe alot of times my stool is different colour everyday from yellow,orange normal and really dark brown thats because some foods digestive system can not take aswell just pass through hense the different colour evan the healthier foods cause this aswell the weight loss part is probably because your anxiety and other peoples are not eating because of the worry this might sound wrong now but i reckon its all the adverts about cancer what does it and makes people panic i been there i got worried once when i went toilet for a number two then looked down and there was just blood there because i remember my ex work mate if that happens go straight to my docter because thats the MAIN sign then went docters and it was just hermeroids. but another thing about ibs it mimics bowel cancer symptoms exept the mass bleeding but there all alot of us who have been in the same position as you and its horrible. but i think i would have more chance of winning the lottery than you having cancer :)

27-09-15, 11:00
And what did the doctor say?

Positive thoughts

Said it's unusual for symptoms to have lasted this long and ordered a full range of blood tests (never seen a list so long lol) and asked for a urine and stool sample also.

I asked about bowel cancer and she said although it's not impossible, I would be EXTREMELY unlucky to have it at my age (31) and that it's not even something that's in her head at all right now.

Half of me is going over her saying that and telling myself "stop worrying, it could be a million other things before it's that" but obviously due to my tendency to worry, I can't help but fixate (sometimes) on the worst case scenario....

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

right i might sound harsh here but i dont mean to be so i apologise i will try and cover everything but you wont have bowel cancer its most likley ibs because that gurgling feeling is basicly spams thats what ibs does it makes your bowel contract resulting in cramps tightness and pain i curled up on the floor a few times due to it when people say they get red bits when wiping thats nothing happens to me because i wipe alot of times my stool is different colour everyday from yellow,orange normal and really dark brown thats because some foods digestive system can not take aswell just pass through hense the different colour evan the healthier foods cause this aswell the weight loss part is probably because your anxiety and other peoples are not eating because of the worry this might sound wrong now but i reckon its all the adverts about cancer what does it and makes people panic i been there i got worried once when i went toilet for a number two then looked down and there was just blood there because i remember my ex work mate if that happens go straight to my docter because thats the MAIN sign then went docters and it was just hermeroids. but another thing about ibs it mimics bowel cancer symptoms exept the mass bleeding but there all alot of us who have been in the same position as you and its horrible. but i think i would have more chance of winning the lottery than you having cancer :)

I welcome harshness to be honest, I need it sometimes, and thank you for your reply. I keep going through stages of reassuring myself and feeling less worried, and then the pain will get worse for a while and kicks off the anxiety again... I just need to try and be more rational and take into account the odds of it being bowel cancer at 31 are extremely low...

27-09-15, 11:30
My pain has been so bad before (with ibs) that I have actually fainted. Like I said before, my gp told me that there would be many more symptoms BEFORE the pain if it was anything more serious.

27-09-15, 11:58
My pain has been so bad before (with ibs) that I have actually fainted. Like I said before, my gp told me that there would be many more symptoms BEFORE the pain if it was anything more serious.

Really appreciate the replies from everyone. As always I find this place very reassuring and calming. I just wish this damn pain would go away so I can start looking forward to eating meals again!

27-09-15, 12:10
The more you focus on the pains and worry about them the longer they will stay. Your digestive system is usually the first thing to suffer with anxiety. I have been in terrible pain the last few days, just about doubled up with it and the only reason is I am going on holiday tomorrow and anxious about the journey.

27-09-15, 15:45
The more you focus on the pains and worry about them the longer they will stay. Your digestive system is usually the first thing to suffer with anxiety. I have been in terrible pain the last few days, just about doubled up with it and the only reason is I am going on holiday tomorrow and anxious about the journey.

I think one of the main reasons I'm worrying is that a majority of things I've read about pains from IBS are that they are usually stabbing type pains... Mine is more like a colic type pain. Like indigestion in the bowels... Do you get it like that?

27-09-15, 15:49
Yes I get it like that and it can vary day by day with me but no one is alike when it comes to ibs. The real issue you need to be addressing here is your anxiety as you seem to be completely missing out on what people are saying to you about why it is is unlikely to be something more serious. Your anxiety is te main cause of your bowel problems.

27-09-15, 15:58
Hi KayeS...your post could be about me...i'm having exactly the same thing..pain for 8-10 weeks or so..the only difference is my pain also goes up under my right ribs...like you i have lots of gurgling that i can feel and hear, lack of appetite...also like you i fear colon cancer. My doctor is doing more blood tests for celiac, checking my liver...if i keeps up a scope will be next...I hope you feel better soon

27-09-15, 16:09
Yes I get it like that and it can vary day by day with me but no one is alike when it comes to ibs. The real issue you need to be addressing here is your anxiety as you seem to be completely missing out on what people are saying to you about why it is is unlikely to be something more serious. Your anxiety is te main cause of your bowel problems.

I'm addressing my anxiety as best I can to be honest. I've been in counselling once a week since January, and not even on the NHS because I wanted to get started straight away so I'm paying £45 a week for it for a 50 minute session, which believe me, is a cost I could do without but I'm sticking with it even though I really could be doing without having to shell out that money every week... I do believe my anxiety is playing a part in making my symptoms maybe seem worse than they really are, but what I know to be true is the pain I am feeling, every day, without fail, and for most of the day. Yesterday I went to an event that I've been looking forward to for 5 months, and it was ruined because my stomach was in pain for the entire time. I am actually more frustrated than anxious if I'm honest.

---------- Post added at 16:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

Hi KayeS...your post could be about me...i'm having exactly the same thing..pain for 8-10 weeks or so..the only difference is my pain also goes up under my right ribs...like you i have lots of gurgling that i can feel and hear, lack of appetite...also like you i fear colon cancer. My doctor is doing more blood tests for celiac, checking my liver...if i keeps up a scope will be next...I hope you feel better soon

I've had the pain under my right rib also... that comes and goes for me. Almost like a stitch type pain that gets worse if I take a deep breath :/

27-09-15, 18:28
have you had your gallbladder checked KayeS...I can't blame mine..it came out 6 years ago...i get what you're saying too..if the pain would just go away i'd feel a lot better

27-09-15, 19:31
have you had your gallbladder checked KayeS...I can't blame mine..it came out 6 years ago...i get what you're saying too..if the pain would just go away i'd feel a lot better

I haven't, but that right side under the rib pain only comes and goes every now and then... I haven't had it for a week now.

Yeah the pain for me has been pretty much constant all day today. Sucks...

27-09-15, 19:40
ok...has your doctor considered a colonoscopy? I know thats the next step for me...colon cancer is more of a possibility now for me because of my age I'm 52 now...I had a scope 6 years ago and at that time it was clear..I see my doc again in 3 weeks..or sooner depending on the test result or if the pain gets worse...

27-09-15, 21:12
Hi mate

Agree 100 % with fishmanpa .

Yea the symtoms are very real but its anxiety kicking it off .

Anixety goes straight to my gut ....daily pain is not unusual when IBS kicks off .

Two older peeps i know (in there 80,s ) had bowel cancer ....no pain at all other problems like passing old blood ...tmi ...sorry guys .

IBS can be very painful been there but it does not mean BC , you are in the grip of anxiety and the more you stress / worry the longer it will to go :weep:

---------- Post added at 21:12 ---------- Previous post was at 21:09 ----------

Have a read of this mate ....



28-09-15, 00:55
thank you Greenman...I've had IBS for years but it has always affected my left side...i think thats what getting to KayeS and myself..all our stuff is right sided

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

KayeS....looks like there is a decent chance we are both just suffering from a bad case of IBS...with any luck all our pain will go away soon and we can get back to our normal lives...since we both struggle with HA this will be hard work for us but i'm sure we can get through it....

28-09-15, 10:20
thank you Greenman...I've had IBS for years but it has always affected my left side...i think thats what getting to KayeS and myself..all our stuff is right sided

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

KayeS....looks like there is a decent chance we are both just suffering from a bad case of IBS...with any luck all our pain will go away soon and we can get back to our normal lives...since we both struggle with HA this will be hard work for us but i'm sure we can get through it....

I've woken up today with an attitude of 'screw this, I'm getting on with life and ignoring it from now'.... We'll see how long that lasts LOL

28-09-15, 14:11
I've woken up today with an attitude of 'screw this, I'm getting on with life and ignoring it from now'.... We'll see how long that lasts LOL

Now that is the best thing I have heard from you KayeS.The more you think and post about it the worse it gets, that's the nature of the beast.

Easy for me to say, as we all do it homing in to different parts of our body.

28-09-15, 15:00
Now that is the best thing I have heard from you KayeS.The more you think and post about it the worse it gets, that's the nature of the beast.

Easy for me to say, as we all do it homing in to different parts of our body.

I'm trying... really trying...

28-09-15, 20:07
Don't try too hard though....that just piles on the pressure

28-09-15, 20:48
Don't try too hard though....that just piles on the pressure

"piles" on the "pressure" ... I get it... :) Note the brilliant mix of humor and word play pertaining to poo issues.

Positive thoughts

28-09-15, 20:49
"piles" on the "pressure" ... I get it... :) Note the brilliant mix of humor and word play pertaining to poo issues.

Positive thoughts

LOL!! This is why I do love this place sometimes :yesyes:

28-09-15, 21:04
LOL!! This is why I do love this place sometimes :yesyes:

Nothing quite beats poo humour- especially when you're feeling rough(age):D

28-09-15, 21:31
Nothing quite beats poo humour- especially when you're feeling rough(age):D

:roflmao: Laughter is the best medicine!

28-09-15, 21:38
Breaking Bad anyone :D

I love this Walter White quote .....

I have spent my whole life scared. Frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen. Fifty years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at 3 in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. And I came to realize it's that fear that's the worst of it. That's the real enemy. So get up. Get out in the real world. And you kick that ******* as hard as you can right in the teeth." - Walter White


28-09-15, 21:39
I have a disorder of the levator ani muscles and they regularly go into spasm. I empathise with all gut/ rectally-challenged people but it's mostly all anxiety-related and a right pain in the *rse

28-09-15, 21:40
:roflmao: Laughter is the best medicine!

From today's Positive Quotes


Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.

-- Lord Byron (1788-1824) English Poet

One of my favs!

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

I have a disorder of the levator ani muscles and they regularly go into spasm. I empathise with all gut/ rectally-challenged people but it's mostly all anxiety-related and a right pain in the *rse

Look up "Porch Cramp" in the Urban Dictionary.... it's my little piece of internet immortality ~lol~

Positive thoughts

28-09-15, 21:52
Porch cramp ......



28-09-15, 22:06
Breaking Bad anyone :D

I love this Walter White quote .....

I have spent my whole life scared. Frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen. Fifty years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at 3 in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. And I came to realize it's that fear that's the worst of it. That's the real enemy. So get up. Get out in the real world. And you kick that ******* as hard as you can right in the teeth." - Walter White


Walter is the man! Lol

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 22:03 ----------

From today's Positive Quotes


Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.

-- Lord Byron (1788-1824) English Poet

One of my favs!

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

Look up "Porch Cramp" in the Urban Dictionary.... it's my little piece of internet immortality ~lol~

Positive thoughts

LOL!!!! Porch Cramp haha that is brilliant :D

28-09-15, 22:30
i'm glad you're feeling better today KayeS

29-09-15, 00:58
i'm glad you're feeling better today KayeS

Not much has changed to be honest... I've just tried very hard today to ignore any pain I'm feeling... I think it's helped somewhat. I've just gotten angry at how I keep ending up in this position all the time :/

How's your day been?

29-09-15, 02:32
about the same thx...still in pain...still worried...i've been going for walks to see if that will help clear my head...it helps a bit

29-09-15, 08:48
The medical term for porch cramp is proctalgia fugaz-and that's another legacy from IBS.

I prefer porch cramp:D

Wishing you a better day, Kaye. You'll win the Battle of the Bowels and finally get it out of your cistern.....

29-09-15, 19:56
Sigh.... pain worse today... Forcing myself to eat but just feel horrible... I literally can't remember what it feels like to not have a belly ache.

29-09-15, 23:02
I had bad IBS today pain was awful but self inflicted i ate cheese and biscuits late last night and had pains in my sides all day and the 2 bob bits later on :blush:

29-09-15, 23:19
I've been eating SO CLEANLY for the last month so I just have no idea what is causing my pain... that's the part that gets to me, the fact that I have no idea what's causing it.

30-09-15, 02:54
Hi Kaye...sorry your day was bad....mine too...lots of pain and a lot of gurgling n the right side too...pain goes from close to my hip to right under my ribs....hopefully you'll have a better day tomorrow....when do you see your doctor again?

30-09-15, 11:36
Going back tomorrow for blood test and stool sample results... How about you?

30-09-15, 13:58
I go back in 2 weeks unless he calls about my blood tests...I am so convinced this is not IBS...I really believe its something much worse...i'm very scared

30-09-15, 19:57
I go back in 2 weeks unless he calls about my blood tests...I am so convinced this is not IBS...I really believe its something much worse...i'm very scared

I'm going back and forth like you with that thought... from what I know though, when it concerns the bowels, there are SO MANY different things that can happen, most of which mimic cancer etc just because of the way the bowels function... I'm trying to keep reminding myself of that...

30-09-15, 20:22
Hi Guys

Mr positive again :D

Had IBS for years and months of pain some years dating back 20 odd years many many peeps have the same you just get used to it and yes it can last for months and months before going :blush:

I know its easy for me to say as no bugger can reasure me when my mind is on my own health issues :scared15:

Take care guys it will turn out to be IBS or something else 99.9% of the time .

Stay cool :shades:

30-09-15, 21:15
Hi Guys

Mr positive again :D

Had IBS for years and months of pain some years dating back 20 odd years many many peeps have the same you just get used to it and yes it can last for months and months before going :blush:

I know its easy for me to say as no bugger can reasure me when my mind is on my own health issues :scared15:

Take care guys it will turn out to be IBS or something else 99.9% of the time .

Stay cool :shades:

Always appreciate your words! They have been actually very reassuring over the last few weeks.

30-09-15, 22:04
thx Kaye and Greenman...hopefully we can get some definitive answers soon Kaye and then we can feel better...
the main reason i'm concerned is because my IBS pain has always been on the left side...this right sided stuff is all new to me...i've had IBS for at least 25 years

01-10-15, 15:24
I've been where you are I had all your symptoms and more even had flat ribbon bowel movements , I'm over 50 so they sent me for a sigmoidoscopy , endoscopy and barium enema it came back as IBS and diverticulitis . Could you not ask your doctor to send you for a scope to put your mind at rest ?

01-10-15, 17:08
i see my doc on the 14th Cags...if things havent improved i'll be asking for one

01-10-15, 17:22
That's definitely the next step for me. Got an appointment on Monday with a gastroenterologist to examine things further... Argh I just want this weight off my shoulders :@ It's always something!!!