View Full Version : Drug use..after effects on body

26-09-15, 21:51
My boyfriend was going through a really tough time and had binged on cocaine for a good month, he's done other drugs too.. Mdma, ketamine, smokes weed.. He has now stopped it all since we have been back together but he told me of how he went through such a rough time- he tried to overdose a lot- never worked and I am so thankful he is still here, he has drunk bleach but threw it back up, I was so upset to find all of this out.. Aside from the obvious that he needs help and to see someone which I'm really encouraging him to do, he has had physical symptoms; blood coming from his eyes and nose sometimes, he vomits after almost all of his meals, and has had chest pain, although I think that has subsided.. He has been 3 months clean now, but I am worried for his physical health, he is scared to see a doctor to know what damage he has done to his body. I'm so worried for him..I'm scared he has caused permanent damage.. Does anyone have any insight on drug use? I will make sure he sees a doctor Asap, I am so so scared, I couldn't bare to be without him

27-09-15, 00:07
I've never touched any drugs myself, but blooming heck have I watched a thousand documentaries on all sorts of 'em. I have a weird curiousity, I know.

To sum it all up, drugs pretty much mess up your whole body. If he's vomiting after every meal, I assume there is some level of stomach/liver damage? Considering he has so many clear symptoms, DRAG him to a doctor ASAP - he should be honest with both the doctor and himself, that's just going to make things easier and quicker to treat :) Also, it depends on how long he's been on the stuff for?

Hope he'll have a speedy recovery and decides to stay away from the stuff :)

27-09-15, 19:52
Hi, I have no experience with drugs but these symptoms deffo need checked out - blood coming from any part of the body needs looked into, like tomorrow morning. Please let us know how you get on.xx