View Full Version : Another newbie

26-09-15, 22:43
Hi :)

I'm Mimi, 26 years old, and living in Amsterdam. I'm a little nervous about finally posting to the forum after lurking for a few weeks.

I'm a design student, being creative is essential when I want to do well in school and my side jobs. I've been coping with anxiety since my youth, like rust it slowly expanded into something I can hardly control now. I used to be carefree, well at least I never cared about what others thought of me.
As I grew older that changed; my insecurity and self-esteem is lower than I even thought possible. It led to heavy depression and when I'm outside I feel like all eyes are on me. My heart beats like mad, even when I'm with friends and I found that even during sketching, I shake and can't draw straight lines. I question everything, everyone and myself. I forget how to do the simplest things, even shifting gears in my car so I rarely drive anymore. I barely sleep and never feel rested.
At this point I don't go out, avoid crowds as well. I have an internship next year and even now, 6 months before it, I feel uncontrollably nervous. If I'm like this, I can't be creative, I can't be social. What I hate most is that all of my hobbies only seem like chores now.

I do realise that I'm chasing myself into an early grave like this. I'm hoping to find some ways to cope here and maybe help others with what I've learned. I've seen posts of people I can relate to and it makes me feel like I'm not alone. I'm happy about that :)


26-09-15, 22:48
Hiya Mimzel and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

27-09-15, 07:42
Hi Mimi
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. Have you ever had any form of therapy? Taken any meds?
By the way, I love Amsterdam xx

27-09-15, 09:28
Hi sial72!

Yeah, I have. Sad thing here is that my doctor tried to fix it with citalopram and never recommended a therapist. I tried therapy by looking for a therapist myself, you know the ones you have to pay by the hour but I got advice like "You have to be strong" and "take deep breaths".

As for the citalopram, my depression became far worse when I started taking it. As I didn't trust myself if it became worse, I stopped. One thing I value is my rational thinking and if depression gets too out of hand, I'm afraid of losing that too :)

Amsterdam is great, if you ever visit, I know some great places for you to see!

27-09-15, 18:18
Hi joecalm,

I usually calm down after the thing I fear is over and done with and I do push myself to do them.
I know what you mean, I want to feel that calm all the time. When I just had a presentation for example and aced it, that feeling after is so amazing. It's just the during that sucks, because I always feeling like I'm fainting. Do you have that too?

With internships, work and such, even working in groups, it's something constant until again, it's over and done with. Usually I do get compliments or I do a decent job, but then I worry again for the next day, you know? After every day at school (and they're only half days now) I feel exhausted but when I'm at home I feel zen again. It's just that now, I feel the effects of anxiety so much more. If I'm getting a long term job in the future, I don't even want to think about feeling like this (though I probably will before bed) :)

27-09-15, 22:28
hi mimzel,
sorry to hear you're having a hard time :(
welcome to the forum, hope you find it helpful

28-09-15, 09:00
Hi Mimi
Have you ever read Claire Weekes books? I found that to be the biggest help for me. Or you could look on Youtube, Claire Weekes interviews, ignore what she looks like and how she speaks, her knowledge and advice are amazing x

28-09-15, 20:56
hi mimzel,
sorry to hear you're having a hard time :(
welcome to the forum, hope you find it helpful

Thanks for the welcome, shw11 :)

---------- Post added at 19:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

Hi Mimi
Have you ever read Claire Weekes books? I found that to be the biggest help for me. Or you could look on Youtube, Claire Weekes interviews, ignore what she looks like and how she speaks, her knowledge and advice are amazing x

Thanks! I'll definitely give that a read! :)
Did her advice work for you?

28-09-15, 22:14

Thanks! I'll definitely give that a read! :)
Did her advice work for you?[/QUOTE]

Totally, very helpful. For years I was much better. Now that I am not well again because of a health problem I have started reading her again to refresh the memory xx