View Full Version : Obsessive Pulse Checking

27-09-15, 04:25
Anyone else obsessed with checking their pulse/heart rate? Some days I just can't stop myself from checking my pulse over and over, MANY times a day. I will calculate my heart rate, which fluctuates throughout the day, and try to determine if it's normal or if something is terrible wrong with me. Of course if it seems the slightest bit "off", I will start to panic and cause my heart rate to increase, which then increases my worry. Such a vicious cycle!

27-09-15, 05:39
Been there - done that Nelly.
I don't do it when I'm feeling good or my mind is occupied.
I don't know what advice I can give you except try not to do it.

27-09-15, 17:16
I'm currently doing that all week this week. 8 times today. Freaked myself out because my pulse has suddenly dropped. Gave myself more anxiety. I always think that if it's a real problem, my blood pressure and pulse would be strange numbers, but I don't really know how to interpret them! All I know is that usual numbers don't reassure me so I'm not really sure what the point is!

27-09-15, 17:40
Heart is said to normally fluctuate, however it is exaggerated in a person with Healthy Anxiety as they tend to be on edge and hyperaware of their senses. I know from experience. Also depending on your level of activity during the day, it can change. If you want, there is some very interesting research about how heart disease, attacks, and anxiety all coincide with each other. Anxiety is known as a condition in which mimics several different things.