View Full Version : check in thread for sunday 27th september

27-09-15, 10:10
hi all,

well today being sunday, it's roast dinner day. (and yes, i will actually be having a roast dinner, as i got some potatoes from online shopping on wednesday)

roast chicken, potatoes, with yorkies... sounds delicious!

apart from cooking that, downton abby tonight (has it really been a week since the first episode was broadcast?). yes it has.. seems like it was only yesterday.

nothing else going on

have a good day all


27-09-15, 14:10
That roast dinner sounds delicious!!! It's getting chilly here, we might make a beef stew. I love having something in the crockpot all day.

How is Downton now? I gave up maybe the season before last, but maybe I should have kept up with it. Can't remember why I stopped watching.

I'm just hanging out around the house today. Maybe going out soon to get groceries, as I'll have to get the stew started soon.

Back to work tomorrow. Weekends go by too fast. Got a busy week coming up. In two weeks my husband and I are taking a nice long weekend together so probably heading into NYC. I'm looking forward to it.