View Full Version : Protruding rib?

27-09-15, 16:43
Does anyone here have a ribcage that protrudes in the front? I have costochondritis but my left lower front ribcage sticks up more when i lay down. I was in a panic so bad that i was at the Urgent Care twice and had normal rib and chest x-ray. It hurts sometimes but mainly lifting or sleeping on the couch. Just curious if anyone else has this and if ever told why.

27-09-15, 16:57
I have this problem and it is simply cosmetic. It's almost like one side of my ribcage shifted in front of the other. It does hurt occasionally, especially if I am of a lighter weight, but my doctors said it is completely fine to have. It's actually quite common. They said I could have it shaved down for it is simply cosmetic, but you learn to live with it(:

27-09-15, 17:04
Definitely cosmetic. I think it bothers me more cosmetically. Im thin built to begin with. i only weigh 109 pounds and im 38. Have a 2 year old i lift constantly and carry on my my left hip, same side as the protrusion. i asked chiro who works muscles and bones and when he works the ribcage, which seems to be my problem area because i suffer from costochondritis, i wince because damn it hurts. being that im thin, when the costochondritis started, i actually thought i felt a lump in my right breast, but urgent care pointed out to me that what i was feeling was my pectoralis muscle because it moves when i move my arm. Im a medical mess lol and this anxiety and dr. google gets me in horrendous trouble.

27-09-15, 17:21
Oh I totally understand when it comes to google. I was at a point of no return and am still working on my symptom look-up addiction. I have gotten to one point where I looked up symptoms over 750 times in one week. I even had to quit college and now I feel like I can't do anything. I would really trust the doctors. We have an unbelievable health care system in the states. People from all over the world come here to seek medical attention. I have learned to live with the protruding rib. Have you always been concerned about it or has something triggered an anxiety flare up that is making you more hyper aware of your body?

27-09-15, 17:33
dr. Google has affected my work performance. i do medical transcription for a livign so that helps nothing. I get frequent sore throats and ear aches and get acid in my throat. no heartburn. got a prescription for lansoprazole for the acid. i missed 2 weeks worth of medicine and was on fire in my throat. i convinced myself i had throta cancer. i get anxious alot and feels like a lump in throat. Dr. Google says cancer.

The rib protrusion i jsut really noticed a few weeks ago but like chrio said, it could have been like that all my lifle and im just now noticing because im super hyperaware of everything in my body these days. Like.. okay im ashamed to admit it but growing up i didnt listen and didnt take care of my teeth. we didnt have insurance and so now at 38 most of my teeth are gone, rotted and broken at gumline. i now have insurance that will pay for dentures for me but im terrified to go now. im sure my mouth is full of infection and periodontal disease... i google and terrified they will find oral cancer. im a freaking mess. Where do you live by the way.

27-09-15, 17:38
The GI tract has also been known to affect someone with stress A LOT. Acid reflux can be inhibited by stress and anxiety. Also, many people do not take care of their teeth. If you were to have periodontal disease or something rather similar, I am sure other docs who've looked you over would immediately refer you. Also mouth diseases may be harmful, but they typically do stay in the mouth. It's rare that it could spread anywhere else unless you had a form of cancer of the mouth, which is usually caused by some carcinogenic substance. I WOULD NOT WORRY! DONT BE ASHAMED!

I am from New England, USA

27-09-15, 17:42
Glad I met you. Im in Pennsylvania. finally someone with a protruding rib like me.. chiro says its my floaters. I do have IBS too cuz i let stress go right to my stomach. years and years ago, i had the beginning of a gastric ulcer from stress so now this all makes sense. just something i have to learn to live with. i live on ice and heat.

27-09-15, 17:44
lol totally understand. rn I have this constant fear of going blind as well. ive literally been to 3 different eye docs who all say everythings fine but i swear my vision has gotten worse since the past couple weeks when i saw them last. but rest assured i do believe its anxiety. isnt it great to live with? i feel like i cant catch a break from it either