View Full Version : A nervous nurse!

12-02-07, 11:39
Hi everyone!

I have just joined this website after reading some of the brilliant articles and advice given!

I am 20 year old female and am currently at the end of my nurse training.

After a year into my training i witnessed some traumatic events such as death, which at the time did not seem to affect me. I was only 18 at the time and nobody had died in my family so in a sense this was quite big for me. Towards the end of my first year there were a run of traumatic events in my life such as coming back off holiday to find my dog lying dead behind my front door, i then later had a biggish car crash five days after passing my driving test, then within a month or so the dad of my mothers partner died.

It was an awful lot to take in and i struggled watching my family suffer. It was on the day of the funeral (driving back) that i had my first full blown panic attack and was convinced i was going to die. I felt extremely dizzy, i was becoming short of breath, my pulse was racing at about 120 bpm and i justs did not feel normal at all! I convinved my mum to take me to A&E to which after blood tests and an ECG they confirmed i had a panic attack! To which i could not believe and felt although relieved rather stupid! Especially as being a student nurse!

Things seemed to settle after that and it has been two years since all that happened, however until recently i feel like i have been suffereing worse than ever with anxiety. It started up again after having bouts of dizzyness due to what the doctors feel is an inner ear virus. I am just constantly on edge which can make my dizzyness worse.

It is one of the worst feelings ever to suffer from anxiety and a panic attack is by far one of the most frightening experiences i have ever encountered. I have had a fair few of them now and have scared my poor boyfriend who at the time just feels helpless. Fortunately now he is more aware and is a great support!

I can't help thinking that my nurse training has not helped however i love my job dearly. I am due to qualify in about 6 weeks and have got a job in intensive care! Which i am worried may only make matters worse! In a sense i really want to be there for my patients and their families during such traumatic times but i certainly do not want to make myself ill!

I have been referred to a clinical psychologist hopefully for some cognitive behavioural therapy, however i am waiting to hear as apparently they have quite long waiting lists :(

Still that is alittle about me and i already feel less anxious after reading some of your other stories on here! It helps you to reaslise you are not on your own and that you are not going mad!!


12-02-07, 12:05
Hi Sarah,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

12-02-07, 12:31
Hi Sarah
Welcome to the site..you are not alone there are lovely people on here always ready to offer advice and help when we can:D


12-02-07, 12:39
elo Sarah,

A big welcome to the site..great support n advice here..

I'm so sorry that you have had such a hard time and at such a young age too...

Sounds to me as if you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)..But you're psychologist can confirm this for you...I too have it but mine is as a result of a really bad experience as a patient in a hosp 4 yrs ago...

Trauma can hit straight away or many yrs later...pls feel free to pm me anytime if you like..

You will make many good friends here...glad to have you on board..x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

12-02-07, 12:42
Hi Sarah

A warm welcome aboard. Sounds like you have been through a lot but you can come out the other side too and it would be a shame to not pursue the career that you really want to.

Would it be possible to start off in another less stressful department to begin with?

Hope you get some great support on here and meet loads of fab people.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

12-02-07, 12:47
A big welcome to the site and I'm sure when you have a good look around you will find much to reassure you hun.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-02-07, 12:48
hi sarah
welcome to the forum
take care
rach x

12-02-07, 18:45
Hi Sarah

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

12-02-07, 22:24
Welcome Sarah,

you've had alot to deal with. Claire Weekes uses the example of a nurse in her work. I'd highly recommend her book "Self Help For Your Nerves" depending how much you are already on top of the mechanisms and pattern of it all.

Trev :D

13-02-07, 09:49
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

14-02-07, 07:15
Hi Sarah,

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time.

I guess many of us looking back can pinpoint the start of anxiety on a tough time.

I think all nurses do a brilliant job, I simply couldn't do it!

Take care, my thoughts are with you,

14-02-07, 09:27
hello and well done for getting on so far in your nurse training,u should feel very proud of yourself.im sorry to hear that your having trouble with anixety,i worked as auxially nurse in casualty and found i was wanting to push patients of beds so i could get on, no seriously, i think u hav to sit down and think this through.if u feel it wood affect your health too much to work in intensive care then mayb u should work in a ward with less pressure till u get your conselling. the decession must be yours and im sure ule make the one wich is rite for u.take care.


Granny Primark
14-02-07, 10:08
Hi sarah,

Im so glad that you have found this site. Just knowing that there are other people who feel the same as you helps.
I so admire people in the medical proffession. Just going to A & E is scary enough.
As a carer in nursing homes i regularly saw people die, but i always got upset when the relatives were informed by the nurses. Relieved that it wasnt me who had to do it.
As a carer on the community i once went into a clients bungalow to find her dead in bed. Having to tell her family of her unexpected sudden death affected me for months.
Im sure you will be a fantastic caring nurse giving loads of tlc to others. Just make certain you get loads of tlc back from your friends and family.

Take care