View Full Version : Constantly feeling like I will pass out :(

27-09-15, 19:52
Ive never actually passed out. But I keep seeing white spots before my eyes and they could happen anytime. I can not pinpoint why it happens, it's not low blood sugar because it could happen after eating :( I'm not dizzy, I don't have blurred vision or other symptoms, just these spots and I feel like these spots are there because I'm about to pass out :(

27-09-15, 19:58
I've had this before! If you're in a constant state of anxiety, you're pumping adrenaline throughout your body and tiring out your nervous system, your bound to feel this way. I also have blurry vision currently and swear on every doctor that I am going blind or dying, even though they say my eyes are healthy. If you HA, you become really hyperaware of your body and things that didn't bother you before are bothering you now. I really truly understand and can relate!

Just a little HA example. A couple of weeks ago, I had two botched eye exams that made it seem like I was going blind. This set me off and I am convinced that I am definitely losing my sight. I then paid a lot of money to go to a private practice doc a week ago and he said my eyes were healthy and the glasses he gave me seemed to work at first. But then I started hyperanalyzing my vision and am convinced my eyes are worse than last week. HA is real and it's terrifying.

Need any more help, just keep replying(:


27-09-15, 20:04
Thanks for the reply, vision issues are the worst :( ive been so worried about my heart lately that I have almost felt like the vision issues are correlated, like I have lack of blood flow to my brain or something. This has been happening for quite some time now but sometimes I worry so much about it. Drs don't give me any lead as to what causes the white spots :( it's almost as if someone shined a bunch of lights into my eyes and I have that after image. Maybe not that extreme, as I can see through them, its just weird.

27-09-15, 20:09
You are so welcome. And I totally agree. I've had other physical symptoms of HA in the past and vision is definitely the most panic inducing because you basically use your eyes for everything. It may take some time to get over this hump, you and me both. I thought I had a heart condition too. Everytime I would get out of the shower, jacuzzi, or any sort of hot environment my heart would start racing and I would feel dizzy and think I was going to pass out. That has since passed, but now I am sure it is affecting my eyes as well. Maybe we're both just crazy.... Lol I am just kidding.

I am scared that the whole vision thing won't go away to and I am reluctant to get a fourth eye doc opinion because I am afraid they'll say my vision has gotten worse since the last time I had been there a week prior.

Just know, you're not alone(:

27-09-15, 20:48
I have really bad eye sight and when I get a new prescription, I often feel like my eyes aren't as clear as they should be lol. I know that sounds ridiculous, but then I also start to think there's something deeper ane more sinister going on. No matter how many times im told everything is okay, I often feel like something is being overlooked, because why else would these symptoms be happening? Lol can't accept the anxiety diagnosis

27-09-15, 20:52
That is literally me! I literally put on my new glasses and said they were clear, and two minutes later I swore that they were more blurry! But I was reading things, and hyperanalyzing my vision to the point where I think I was making things worse. Does that make sense?

It's like you're writing what I am feeling lol!