View Full Version : Nose / teeth / sinus pressure, dizzyness, flickering lights

28-09-15, 07:37

I have suffered from HA type worries in the past, but this is definitely the worst I've had.

I'll try to summarise as much as possible. I'm 28/m.

It started around 6 weeks ago, I was at work sat down and received some worrying news (at the time) which led to a mild panic attack, with narrowing vision, lightheaded ness and a racing pulse which took a few minutes to pass. It concerned me as this is not really anything I had experienced before but thought it would include it here, it may not be relevant.

A few days after this, I woke up and experience a few vertigo type sensations of the room moving around - that was the first and last of the vertigo - but almost at the same type a whole other range of symptoms presented themselves:

- Feels like I'm walking on a trampoline, or have 'marshmallow feet' - this is mostly mild but ever present since and made worse if looking right or left whilst walking.

- Sinus(?) type pain in the left side of nose radiating to teeth - mostly at the back of outside but also at the front teeth / palate which doesn't seem like a sinus area. At the moment the pressure is around the left canine. The pressure is mostly mild.

- I had some mild congestion, but nothing major prior to this, or since. I don't really get allergies although increasingly and out of nowhere the last few months I've been having a big reaction to alcohol with sneezing and a severe running nose

- Back of head feels like it has a strong pulse, especially at night

- Tingling scalp - maybe even twitching type sensations.

- I've noticed at night sometimes there's a faint flickering of light in my eyes which lasts 1-3 seconds

I initially was given a bunch of nasal sprays and antihistamines for suspected allergies, including Nasonex. I thought initially it helped my nose pressure but I'm not sure if that was a placebo effect.

Last week I was prescribed antibiotics for a suspected dry sinus infection, I'm 4 out of 10 days into the antibiotics and have not really noticed much difference. I will head back to the doctors next week, where I assume they will have to run / order some more extensive tests.

I'm really worried about all of this, and it's taking up 99% of my mental thoughts. I'm supposed to be moving city in the next few weeks for a new job opportunity which I'm increasingly concerned is going to have to be put on hold.

28-09-15, 08:07
Hi hun, were your ears checked? I get the marshmallow feeling when my ears are playing up, I describe it as walking across a bouncy castle.
I've had head congestion for 6 years now on and off, I'm still here and symptoms haven't got worse, at first panicked as it's such a strange place to be, but now I'm just used to it.
Are your symptoms any better when lying down?

28-09-15, 08:43
Hi Tracey - thanks - ears were checked briefly, and nothing was really mentioned by the doctor about them.

How long did the bouncy castle feeling last for you?

It does seem better when I'm in bed, in the morning it's barely noticeable.

28-09-15, 08:50
About 5 days with antibiotics for me until it wears off, my coordination goes funny too. X